I have something exciting to say....

Remember the 30x30 list?! I GOT ONE CHECKED OFF!!!!!  NO LIE!!!!

Here it is.....#27.  Have my blog featured on someone else’s blog – as in check out Nautie MerMate!  Isn’t she cool?!

My dear friend said I was an inspiration!  More importantly, she said I was an inspiration ON HER BLOG!

What's so ironic is that she an inspiration to me!  She blogs about what it's like to be a sea wife.

She also said that Deep Water Writing is a must read.  I whole-heartedly agree.  I've been meaning to tell you about this dude for awhile....he writes while at sea too....except he is far more eloquent than me....and he proofreads his posts.


Let the universe fill you...

Have you ever felt like the universe was trying to teach you something? I have led a somewhat charmed life.  It sometimes seems that doors open for me exactly when I need them to.  I often times take great leaps of faith with no assurances other than I believe a net will appear.  This is not to say that I don't put thought into new endeavors or consider the consequences of my actions but, it is to say that I often leave the details to work themselves out...and they usually do.

I have led a particularly charmed life as a student.  Academics always came incredibly easily and so, I very rarely gave school my all.  I've always loved school and I think be happy to sit in a classroom for the rest of my life as a professional student.

I have also never truly 'failed'.  I've never been to the principals office.  I graduated from Maine Maritime Academy with no demerits.  I haven't had to retake any classes.  I have never missed out on an opportunity because I couldn't meet the requirements.

All that being said, I've worked hard and made sacrifices!  I also lead a life that not many people would want to lead.  While it is true that I'm currently in Turkey (which has the potential to be very cool)...it's also true that as I'm typing this I'm wearing navy blue coveralls covered in grease and it's 2am....

I approaced my Chief Mate course work and exams with a fervor that I have given very few things in life.  I truly busted ass.  And, you guys are not going to believe this....but....it didn't come easy!!!!

I was required to take about four months worth of classes before I was eligible to sit for the exam.  I completed the classes, submitted my application and waited for approval (this is when I was home....moving out of my house and getting my wisdom teeth out).  As soon as I got my approval letter I headed back to Florida where I immersed myself in the study room for about 10-12 hours a day - I did this for about 2.5 weeks before taking the exam.  The exam is one of those things that you can never be truly prepared for.  You simply cover as much material as humanly possible and hope it's what you see on the test.

The exam consists of nine modules and takes 3-4 days to complete.  The nine modules are:   Rules of the Road, Stability, Navigation Problems Oceans (celestial), Navigation Problems Near Coastal (terrestrial), Chart Work, Navigation General, Deck Safety, Deck General A, Deck General B.  All of the exams are multiple choice however;  Stability, Oceans, Near Coastal, and Charts require A LOT of math.  For the Generals it is simply a matter of going through the bank of test questions and memorizing as much as you can....or at least being familiar with the answer.  While it seems like Rules of the Road should be straight forward and every  mate would ace it without studying it's actually quite tricky, the verbiage is designed to throw you off.

On Monday morning I went into the exam room and sent up a silent prayer.  Everyone is required to take Rules of the Road first - I aced it.  I hit Stability next....I really just wanted to get this one out of the way....there are a lot of formulas that need to be memorized and I figured it would free me up for the rest of the week if I could purge the formulas from my brain.  I was most nervous about Stability - I got a 100!!!!  I couldn't believe it.  I was on a roll so I took Deck Safety.  By this time I was pooped so I headed home on cloud nine.

Day two rolls around - I'm feeling quite confident.  I go in and take my Nav Problems Ocean.  Killed it....I've always loved celestial.  My plan was to do my chart plot followed by my Near Coast Navigation Problems.  I get my Chart Plot and was SUPER excited.  I had reviewed this plot the night before!  I recognized some of the answers and was blowing through it.  I hand the exam in....again....feeling very confident.  I FAILED IT!  I couldn't believe it!  I was so shocked that I teared up.  This module required a 90% to pass...it's a ten question test so you can only get one wrong....I got two wrong...which meant that I was allowed to protest a wrong answer.  I was so upset that I couldn't even look at the protest sheet.  I packed up my things and retreated to the car.

As soon as the car door closed I called my Mom - this is what girls do when they are going to cry.  As soon as I heard her voice I burst into tears.  I was on speaker phone.  This is one of those things that I'll remember for the rest of my life.  My step-dad is in the background and says, 'What happened?  Did she pass?'  My Mom says, 'Johnny!  She's crying!  What do you think?!'.  It was worth a chuckle at least.

Going back to the study room to regroup is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.  I reviewed my mistakes from the day...and you're not going to believe this....but, I had the right answer and I bubbled my bubble sheet wrong!  Oh My God!  Who does that?!  At least, it meant that I new the material...and it gave me enough confidence to hit the books again.

On Wednesday Morning I began the day with Deck General A and B.  This is mostly ships business and luckily for me I had studied the right things.  I figured it was time for a little more math - so I tested on Nav Problems Near Coastal - I FAILED IT!!!!  I just about died.  Again, silly, silly, silly mistakes!  Not taking the time to read the question properly.  (To my deckie friends....an LAN question....calculated latitude at LAN...but they requested latitude for 1200....forgot to advance.  Doh!  The second question was a deviation problem...deviation!  What the hell?!)

It was on Wednesday that I realized the universe was trying to teach me something.  This wasn't supposed to be easy!  I think it also made me think about people who have always had to work this hard for school.  What if every test you took required this much effort.  What if you routinely gave things this much effort and still didn't ace it?!

I studied as much as I could but I went back to my room a little earlier than normal to relax and recoup before my final day.  I made a cup of tea and cruised my favorite blogs.  I found two things....the first thing I found was a quote on one of my favorite sites:  SHE BELIEVED SHE COULD.  SO SHE DID.  I immediately scrambled for a piece of paper and scribbled it out....and left it on my bedside table.  Then I looked down and the tab on my yogi tea said:  Empty your mind and let the universe fill you.  Have you ever had this happen?  When you find exactly the right words at exactly the right time?  I had been thinking about the universe alllll afternoon and here it was right in front of me....let the universe fill me!  Of course...how simple.

Thursday was do or die.  (You can only miss two modules to be able to retake them.  If you miss three you are required to retake all the modules.)  I woke up a few minutes earlier than I had been all week (which was about 0445).  I put on mascara and eye shadow (which I had not been doing all week)....I wore my favorite shirt....and I also wore all my favorite jewels.  I walked into the exam room and sat down.  I grabbed a piece of scrap paper and wrote in as big letters as possible:  SHE BELIEVED SHE COULD.  SO SHE DID.  Then I took my finale module - and I PASSED IT!  Woo hoo!  This meant that I was eligible to retake my two failed modules.  I retook my Nav Problems Near Coastal - and I PASSED IT!  Then, feeling confident once more, I completed my Chart Plot - and I PASSED IT!

I was officially a Chief Mate!!!!!  It was sadly anti-climatic.  I simply got into the car and drove from Miami back to Ft. Lauderdale like I had done on every other day.  All I could think was 'I did it'.  I was too tired and emotionally fried to even begin to think about trying to celebrate.  I literally went home and crawled between the covers.

I've been thinking about my exam week for ten days now - and I'm still trying to sort out how I feel and what I learned.  Here's what I've come up with.  I have a profound sense of accomplishment.  However, the accomplishment doesn't have anything to do with being a Chief Mate....it is focused solely on the fact that I DID IT.  I did something hard....it didn't go as planned...I stuck it out....modified my attitude...believed in myself and DID IT.  Which means, I can modify my attitude and stick anything out.  Which also means, I CAN DO ANYTHING.  And, while I'm doing anything....when the going gets tough...all I have to do is let the universe fill me!

Thank you all for your well wishes, your prayers when things got dicey, and your congratulations when things went well :)  It was amazing to know I had so many people rooting for me!

Where you be, Woman?

Well, I be on my new ship. In my opinion, getting to a new ship is never too much fun.  Some people prefer to constantly bounce around and sail on whatever is available...I say, 'no thank you'.  While the day to day tasks and responsibilities may remain constant every vessel is different.  It seems to me when you step aboard a new vessel it's do or die.   You simply try not to mess TOO much up...because you know you are going to mess something up.

I joined the vessel just in time to stand my first watch.  Unfortunately, it wasn't a 'cruise' watch....we were topping off cargo.  Of course I had never looked at the cargo piping diagram - and I'm on deck sounding tanks - searching for sounding tubes - pinching down on block valves - and securing IG.  I had just enough 'tanker savvy' in me to avoid looking like a total asshole....but it was close.

I head up to the bridge to make sure that everything is in order for departure (I joined the vessel in Athens, Greece and we were heading to Mersin, Turkey).  It was like stepping onto the bridge of the Star Ship Enterprise.  I have never been on a vessel with as much automation on the bridge before.  I began the pre-departure gear test.  Epic fail.  Apparently, a tech rep had been servicing the number one gyro compass all day....it seems he left before he fixed it....and forgot to tell anyone.  Lordy, alarms up the wazoo!!!!  I couldn't even figure out where they were all coming from.  Of course by this time it's evening and the bridge is dark.  So I have my flash light and I'm frantically searching the control boards looking for the silence buttons.  We ended up 'permanently silencing' the alarms and sailing with a few bugs in the system.  Good times....good times....

The good news is....we made it to Turkey!

Tomorrow's the BIG day...

...and I have ten million things on my mind.  But, do you want to know something sick?  I can't stop thinking about how much weight I've gained!  I've been eating 'union-school food' for the past 5 out of 6 months and, for the last month I've let myself eat whatever I want because I feel like I deserve it.  I mean, I'm stuck at a desk studying for 10-12 hours a day....so when I go down for lunch doesn't that mean I'm allowed to eat whatever I want?!  Obviously, now that I've made these decisions I'll have some work to do on the ship....my new ship is going to have a gym :)  I'm very excited about this.  My last ship didn't have one which meant I had to walk around the ship in circles....talk about feeling like a rat in a cage!  The bad news is that I have the metabolism of a three-toed sloth.  So, at age 28 I should know better then to give my appetite free reign. As you can see, I'm at the point in my studies where I feel like I've crammed as much into my brain as possible...and now I'm blogging.  That being said, I think I'll take a break and go down to the mess deck....I'm pretty sure I saw some carrot cake in the fridge.