Drat that NE'ly Wind!
I'm not a blog slacker! The wind has been something fierce - right out of the NE - which means internet dead zone madness. Hopefully the wind will shift tonight so I can get some photos up!
I'm not a blog slacker! The wind has been something fierce - right out of the NE - which means internet dead zone madness. Hopefully the wind will shift tonight so I can get some photos up!
Ladies, do you ever have a hard time dressing up? I do! Sometimes I put on a really cute outfit and I'll feel uncomfortable....like I'm too dressed up! I put on a really cute dress a few days ago. I knew it looked cute but, I got a little bit anxious that it was too cute....and that my boobs were popping out...and that maybe the hem might get dirty....and maybe I'd be overdressed in the city. So I changed! Into a denim skirt and layered tank tops! Why?! I had the opportunity to look totally cute in Athens!
I feel like I do this all the time - which has left me with a somewhat uniform-ish wardrobe. Denim - pants, shorts, skirts - with cute tops...mostly tank tops. The only thing I don't mess around with are my earrings....I always go sassy.
The only time my low key style really works for me is at the beach - I can truly put together shabby chic outfits that are beach fabulous. What's the secret? Again - EARRINGS! If you're lounging in a bikini make sure you have on sassy earrings - then people will look at your earrings and not your love handles :)
What are your thoughts on dressing up or dressing down? Any tips on how to leave the house in a fashion forward outfit - with confidence?!
I love flea markets - I'm not picky at all - find me copious amounts of junk in one place and I'm there! In Athens the Gypsies (and Romanians, Croatians...you get the idea) flock the city with their 'goods' every Sunday.
Blankets are laid out on the sidewalks and what you end up with is a seemingly endless assortment of treasures.
It feels like an I Spy... book come to life!
Okay, I have another book suggestion. For the record - I've never seen an episode of 30 Rock and I can never stay up late enough for SNL. All I knew when I picked up this book was that Tina Fey is supposedly pretty funny.
I now know this....Tina Fey isn't funny....she's HI-LAR-IOUS.
Also, I've been called bossy many times in my life - so I think she and I would get along very well :)
I've been thinking Nautiemermate may need a little book club.....do any of you have any reading suggestions?
(via A Cup Of Jo)
Yesterday when I was at the Acropolis I was looking at the Parthenon and I kept thinking about 9th grade World History. My friend and I had to do a project on Greece. Of course we ended up waiting until the weekend before the thing was due to start – and then we had no idea what to do – so we went BIG. We ended up building a replica of the Parthenon – out of cake building supplies. It was one of those projects that got totally out of control….both of our parents were super duper annoyed that we had put it off for so long…and they were also super duper annoyed by how much it all cost. Because of course by that point we didn’t have an option to use recycled materials. We stayed up all night long building this thing….we had special knives to cut the styrofoam and create designs….and special glue to make the plastic columns stick to the thick poster board. One of us was would be gluing and cutting the other one would be writing the paper (aka – gluing and cutting off the internet – hahaha!). Reminiscing yesterday I had to crack up at the absurdity of the whole thing – if it was my kid I’d be like, ‘No I will NOT buy you cake pillars – where are your toilet paper rolls?!’. I say that now….but I’d probably be just like my Mom and shell out the dough at Ben Franklins while trying to impress upon her child how truly ungrateful and spoiled rotten she was on the car ride home. Mom, I know it’s a little late but….thanks for the cake building supplies (a.k.a helping me maintain a level of 9th grade cool that toilet paper rolls just couldn't have achieved)!