Kids these days...

For the first time sailing I'm on a vessel that takes Cadets.  All the Academies require their Cadets to perform some sea service aboard commercial vessels - for me this was the summer of my sophomore year.  (I cadet shipped aboard the Horizon Navigator.  It was a great ship!  An old Sealand Containership on a run between Hawaii and California - I had no idea how good I had it!) I'm just going to put this out there - the Cadets we've had aboard....well, they're punks!  There was a day (and it was not so long ago) when Cadets were seen and not heard!  Unfortunately, 'the beating of cadets' is no longer allowed.

The other night at supper the Captain, Chief Engineer and I started talking about our years spent at Maine Maritime Academy.  It was fun to reminisce - my good memories far outweigh my bad memories - and holy smokes that school has seen some shenanigans over the years!!!  They talked a bit about the awful things that were done to them....and the awful things they did to other people.  What the table talk really did is get me thinking...about today's Cadets.

While I was in school there was a major crackdown on 'hazing'.  A group of Upper Classman got majorly busted after a MUGs (that's what we were called :)  Midshipmen Under Guidance - you don't properly become a Fourth Class until MUG month is over) Mother called complaining that her Son had been wrapped up in blue gym mats and then beat with a lacrosse stick.

I was abused in other more creative ways.  Like making me stuff my backpack with every piece of clothing I owned and then putting my back against the bulkhead - while being screamed at to make my heels AND shoulders touch the bulkhead...not physically possible folks, not physically possible.  We used to have to stand in formation with our arms straight out at our side (called the Iron Cross) for what seemed like hours.  Those days can be summed up in a few words:  Ironing, polishing, cleaning and screaming - we got screamed at a lot.

We also had 'call-outs'.  I was 'MUG Booty-licious'.  It went something like this:

MUG Bootylicious Sound Off!!!!

(I'd fall out of formation with the three other girls in my company....and it's true....we were all bootylicous)

We would have to get 'front and center'.  We'd be standing in front of our company (which was Bravo) shaking our butts and our fingers singing:

I don't think you're ready for this jelly, I don't think you're ready for this jelly - because Bravo is too bootylicious for ya boys.

(thank you Beyonce....)

Here's the thing - my best friends today are almost all Bravo company boys.  Who do I call when I'm in the middle of a field drunk and crying?  A Bravo boy.  Who do I call for car advice?  Bravo boys.  Who keeps track of me even though I'm the worst keeper in toucher ever?!  The Bravo boys.  (There are a couple of Alpha and Charlie boys thrown in there two...and one or two Alpha and Charlie girls....they may as well have all been Bravo as far as I'm concerned....and the intricacies of the female dynamic at a Maritime Academy is a whole different post for a whole different day!)

What did all that ironing and cleaning and polishing and screaming do?  It forced us to bond.  It turned us into Shipmates.  It taught us how to cover for each other and how to wake someone up from a drunken stupor and get them to formation; it taught us to appreciate that people handle stress differently; it taught us that it was better for one of us to get yelled at than all of us to get yelled at....and sometimes it was just your turn to take it on the head.

Today's Cadets are missing out on all that!  A sense of entitlement can be detected immediately aboard a vessel - and it doesn't go very far.  As far as I'm concerned if a Cadet isn't being put in his place at school than it is our moral obligation to knock the piss out of him / her on the ship.  These are the Cadets who join a vessel as Third Mates and get worked by the 'old-timers' on deck.

Do you know the real problem with today's Cadets?  They're not being rolled up in gym mats and beaten with lacrosse sticks!

Who cares about sleep - lets talk cloud photos!

I'm not sure if I've ever talked about how we (the Mates) divide our time aboard the's a little bit of a breakdown on how I spend my days... Watch schedules vary ship to ship.  On U.S. Flag ships they are normally broken down into four hour chunks (12-4, 4-8, and 8-12).  Each mate will have two watches per day (totaling 8 hours) and will work 4 hours of overtime - some ships actually have overtime - my ship is salaried which means I'm required to work a 12 hour day....if I work a 14 hour day today I work a 10 hour day tomorrow (in theory - usually you end up working more than you get paid for - especially when you are in and out of port often).

On a vessel with three Mates the Second Mate is usually given the 12-4.  I get called at 2320 (11:20pm) - I make it up to the bridge by 2350 to assume the watch.  I stand watch for four hours and get relieved at 0350.  Then I try to go to bed as fast as I can.  I sleep until around 0800.  I would have to wake up around 0730 if I wanted to grab breakfast - but I usually skip it since it cuts into my nap.  I get going on my overtime (we still call it overtime even though we're not making overtime wages...) from 0800-1120.  This is when I do the majority of my work - I prepare charts for the next voyage; I correct all the charts in my folio; I get caught up with e-mail correspondence regarding any bridge components requiring servicing - basically anything that I couldn't get done while on watch.  Lots of times the Captain will ask me for information and I'll have to do a bit of research for him....for example, they want us to go to blahblittyblah port - what is the draft restriction or how long will it take us to get there.  At 1120 I head down to eat lunch so that I can relieve the watch at 1150 - then I'm on watch again until 1550 - which basically means I get off watch at four in the afternoon.  This is when I try to get my blog done - and then I might go down for a snack....a light supper since I know I'll be asleep soon.  I normally fall asleep around 1830 which means that I get another 5 hours of sleep before doing it all over again.

Pretty mundane, huh?!

Here's what got me thinking about this....we just changed watch schedules!  We're doing the watch schedule I did on my last ship - and it's flippin' awesome!

I now stand a 6 hour watch and a 2 hour watch.  I wake up at the same time but instead of leaving the bridge at 0400 I leave the bridge at 0600.  I do 2 hours of overtime and then I'm back on the bridge at 0800 for a 2 hour watch.  I'm off watch at 1000 and do another 2 hours of overtime which means I finish my day up at Noon.  A straight 12 hour day!!!!  Do you know what this means?!  12 HOURS OFF!

I honestly don't even know what to do with's fan-freakin'-tastic!  I now have time for the gym, the blog, the e-mails....AND a movie - all before getting 8 hours of sleep!  Woot Woot!

Wanna know the best part?  I'm awake for the Sunrise!

You do know what this means don't!  Remember back in the day when I posted the secret to a good sunrise?  Or when I showed you a couple good cloud days?  I even shared an incredibly similar post full of excitement about being back on the morning watch!



I think I need to go to the Hospital!

Don't you hate it when you get a tiny little cut - and it hurts sooo bad!  I think the worst thing about tiny painful cuts is that when you say it hurts people look at you like you're crazy.  My Mom and I have this long running joke about going to the goes something like this: Me:   Ow!  I just got a papercut!

Mom:  Do you want to go to the Emergency Room?!

Me:  Yes, I think I need to go to the Hospital...

*An alternative scenario would include one of us holding up a freshly 'wounded' finger and in a wimpy voice saying, 'I think I need to go to the Emergency Room'.

(Thank goodness my Mom and I have the same sense of humor...because when I just wrote that out it didn't sound funny at all!)

I have a boo boo on my finger - and it hurts sooo bad!  You guys aren't going to believe this but....I got poked by a cactus!  These sorts of things aren't supposed to happen on ships!  A CACTUS!

Here's the story:  The guy that I share this room with apparently collects cacti.  They are all over my dayroom.  Said cacti are to be watered on Sunday and Wednesday.    Weeellll....I've been here for almost two months and last Sunday was the first time they had been watered (thank goodness they're cacti!).  Anywho - during the watering process I got a little cactus 'fur' in my finger.  No biggie, right?!  I immediately went and got my tweezers and removed the offending hairs.  My finger felt fine....until the next day where I had a big red circle....and the following day when it filled up with pus...long story short - I now have a wound.  If my Mom was here she'd totally be asking me if I need to go to the Emergency Room - Yes!  Yes I do, by golly!

After my first ship I vowed to never, ever go to a ship without my own medicines - nothing sucks more than visiting 'the medical officer'.  I put together a little bag of everything I could possibly require (short of actually having to go to the hospital).  I now very rarely travel without my kit.  Wanna know the most important 'medicine-y' type thing to pack?  Hawaiian Rock Salt!  It cures everything.  A good hot and salty soaking can do wonders (Zike, if you're reading this I hope you thought 'that's what she said' because I did and I'm really bad at that game!).

This evening I set up an operating room.  I soaked my finger for a bit - and then I got out my dividers and dug around for a bit (yes, that's how ruggedly nautical I am - I perform surgery with dividers) - then I soaked it some more - then I squeezed and cut away some skin - and then I soaked it some more!  Now I have a raw, gaping 'crater' on my middle finger!  Nicely done, nicely done.  I applied some bacitracin and a band me crazy but I swear it feels better!


Please Read.

I discovered a new blog called Lavender & Lilies.  It was kind of fun....lots of pretty pictures so I added it to my Google Reader.  Thank goodness I did because THIS LITTLE GEM dropped in my lap. I was / am a die hard Harry Potter fan....I even if that's not hardcore I don't know what is!  J.K.Rowling is clearly an amazing writer - but just wait till you read her Harvard Commencement Speech.  Fabulous.

*the 'this little gem' link would be the speech....and that is what I'm begging you to read*