Happy Thanksgiving!!!

It is not happy people who are thankful; It is thankful people who are happy.  -Unknown.


I'm thankful that I'm from a place where you can watch lovely ladies dancing hula, spend a day on a beach with your Mom and not see another soul, and buy anthuriums for 2 dollars a bunch.



I'm thankful that I survived Florida (it wasn't the beaches that required surviving - it was the stability)...and that I now hold an unlimited tonnage Chief Officers license!  Yippee!



I'm thankful that I have friends who know how to put lobsters to sleep and love bonfires and as much as I do!



I'm thankful for my job - and the glorious sunrises - they'll never get old (I'm also thankful that I haven't hit a fishing boat).



I'm thankful for fall leaves, fresh cider and L.L.Bean boots.



I'm especially thankful for my family.  Thank you for cutting down my bananas, going out for lunch on my birthday and sitting outside in the pouring rain, and having crazy dogs who like to kiss me awake in the morning when I visit.



I'm also sill thankful for everything I was thankful for last year!


What are all of you thankful for?!


Maybe Grandma Was On To Something...

My Grandmother maintained that she didn't like having friends because they were such a pain in the butt.  They required too much work and they held her back.  She'd be late to events because she had to wait for a friend, she didn't do what she really wanted to do because she had to take into account someone else's feelings, and she had to talk about her feelings and 'work through' things.  Granted, my Grandma lived on a tiny little island that was very, very remote.....there weren't too many friends available.  (I realized later in life that maybe that was some of the appeal for her.) I have been extraordinarily blessed in my life to have amazing friends.  Truly amazing friends - the kind that you can call in the middle of the night because you're sitting in a field drunk....and sobbing (thanks Jimmy J).  My friends have been beside me through every single one of my rough patches.  My friendships have always felt effortless - not calling for 3 months was no biggie because the next time I picked up the phone it was like nothing had changed.  This is no longer true...I'm starting to figure out what my Grandma was talking about...my friendships are starting to require a little work.

I now have to make an effort to call, not only do I have to call but, I have to return calls.  I don't like returning calls!  I have to consider that friends already have plans - I have to consider that friends have husbands and babies - I have to consider that friends have jobs (while when I'm home I'm jobless).

What I've found is that all of these 'considerations' lead to hurt feelings - for both parties.  While I'm considering that someone has a husband I expect them to consider that I don't have a husband (or whatever the situation might be).  Time and distance have become bigger considerations - most of my friends are now in a position where they could fly to Hawai'i to visit if they so desire....and I can also fly to Maine...

Here's the conundrum:  What do you do when you're 28 and your feelings get hurt?

It isn't the same as being 16 with hurt feelings...or 22 for that matter.  When I was in college I got in a tiff with my bestie.  She had sent me some bath and body works sweet pea lotion (before the tiff) - when it arrived in the mail I got onto instant messenger and we resumed our friendship.  (That may have just illustrated that I can be bought...but it was simply meant to illustrate that things were easier!)

Grandma Joan knew what was up.....friends can be work.  Except, that I don't want to be friendless!  I also recognize that my friends reading this are rolling their eyes thinking, 'if a friend ever required work it would be you Miss Megan'!

Nautie Friends, the question of the day:  How do you maintain your friendships and, what do you do when you have hurt feelings?


What I've been learning....

It's best to wear flats on your way to work...especially if you are walking or taking the train. Your bathroom counter will soon be covered in 'products'. (Yes, those are gummy pre natal vitamins and no I am not pregnant.)

Dresses are much more fun to wear than pants and blouses...or even skirts and blouses.

Your purse will be ginormous. A full day in the office is no joke....do you remember how prepared Mary Poppins was?!

In all seriousness, I'm learning at an exponential rate. The vocabulary I'm learning alone is enough to make this time well spent. I think I've been a bit surprised at how much fun I'm having!

@cousinrhiannon - I think of you every morning when I get dressed...'holy s**t, how does she do this every day?!'....





Changes in latitude.

Things have changed for me very quickly. I'm currently sitting at a desk in a quasi-cubicle. I'm currently working at my shipping companies corporate office. Between driving from Maine to Virginia and having to decide what to wear my mind is a tad bit overloaded. Not to mention all the shipping talk around me - demurrage rates, charter parties, scamping and polishing....

As I fall into a routine I'll let you know more!

In the meantime check out the view from my desk.

(Just so as not to confuse you all...I am still returning to my vessel. This isn't a permanent transition.)



Annie C. Maguire

My post a few days back called 'A walk, a drive and the library.' featured photos that I took at the Portland Head Light.  In one of the photos their is an inscription on the rocks about the shipwreck of the Annie C. Maguire. I think I've mentioned that I have an Auntie who's a historian.  This morning she sent me this note:

"Thought you might enjoy reading this...although you may know it already about the Annie C. Maguire."

The note was accompanied by a link to read more about the wreck of the Annie C. Maguire.

For the record....I didn't know anything about the Annie C. Maguire.  It is an awesome shipwreck story!!!!  You should all read it!

Thanks so much Historiauntie!  (I think I just discovered your Nautie Mermate code name :)  It's a little play on words....historian + auntie!  Perfect!)

Ask Away!

I'm home today doing nothing.  (I know...I did nothing yesterday too...) I know I have already said this but, I'll say it again...I've been going non stop!  In the process I've managed to get a really nasty cold - I'll refrain from telling you what color my boogers are.

I'm enjoying an orange goodness (of course!) and I managed to make a fairly tasty omelette....and I'm getting caught up on all my favorite blogs!

I really like it when bloggers ask questions at the end of their post.  I never, ever answer but, it usually gets me thinking.

I know I have asked you all this before - but, I'm going to ask again.

What would you most like to know about what it is like to go to sea for a living?  

Are there any questions that you are dying to ask but maybe feel a little shy?