Thanks for the feedback!

Nautie Friends!  Thanks for the feedback! I'm kind of missing my old colors too.  I'm in the process of looking through old photos and am trying to find some that scream, 'NAUTIEMERMATE!'.  I'll let you know when I find them.

We do indeed have a wheelhouse.  You can't see the wheelhouse in that photo because I'm standing in it while taking the photo!  Surprise!  While there is no longer a big ass wooden wheel on most ships we still interchange the terms 'wheel' and 'helm'.  I normally ask my Helmsman to take the wheel.

Please bear with me while I get back into my shipboard blogging routine.  There were some computer upgrades while I was on vacation...this has thrown some kinks into my old routine...and you know how much a sailor craves routine!  I'm mostly having trouble uploading photos.  I'm also having trouble blogging instead of sleeping :) 

Love you guys!


Something weird is going on with the site - some of you may have noticed that some of my posts were showing up in the sidebar - since I'm not much of a tech guru I have no idea how to fix it!  Not knowing how to fix things sometimes makes change inevitable hence the new theme. I was soooo sad to see a new look for nautiemermate!  I almost left things disfunctional because I had such an attachment to the old look.  I actually felt surprised by my nostalgia!  Then my mood started to shift - the more I see the new look the more I like it!

Hey! Thanks for the socklets!

These lovely little smart wool socklets showed up in the mail because a reader was concerned about my toes in ballet flats as the temperature drops. I don't know about ballet flats but they worked great with uggs at airport security! Thanks a million. Also, I decided you needed a nautiemermate code name. I tried all kinds of combinations of your name mixed with things. Then it came to me! Poodles! Think labradoodle, cockerpoos, goldendoodles......from here on out you'll be Aunt Pooder! Your name mixed with Poodle! Imagine I'm Japanese and am saying poodle! Or you can just imagine what a Pooder might look like :)


36 Hours by Word

It went something like this:

  1. Breakfast and coffee with friends at Becky's Diner on Commercial St.

  2. Rush home and write Power of Attorney.

  3. Go to UPS - mail package - be on the lookout Mom - and have POA notarized.

  4. Target.  Hair ties, nail scrubby, bath scrubby, pads, stickers for xmas cards.

  5. Whole Foods - love the seagulls in the parking lot.  Lotion, bottles and oil (I'll explain later).

  6. Lunch at Whole Foods.

  7. Hannafords.  Trying to buy 15 cans of Skoal Winter Green Long Cut for a shipmate.  No Luck.

  8. Joes Smoke Shop.  Five cans.

  9. 7-11.  10 cans.  Success.

  10. Home to pack - messy bed, exploding luggage, etc.

  11. CVS.  I forgot toothpaste and Ibuprofen at Target.

  12. Dinner - Pizza and Chunky Monkey from the Quality Shop (I was going to pick the new flavor Schweddy Balls but decided that was a little depressing...lots of Schweddy Balls on the ship).

  13. Xmas Card writing...sharpies, stamps, and stickers.

  14. Watching last few episodes of True Blood before sending in last Netflix and enjoying my new rubber stamp!

  15. Writing final to do lists that live on the bedside table.  Gotta remember to clean the fridge at 0400.

  16. Final luggage shot.  (Mom, you likey?)

  17. Lunch and photo editing session at TGI Fridays in Atlanta, GA.


Nautie Friends, sorry the photos aren't in chronological order!  I just couldn't muster up the energy!  Also, for the record this is my new spinner luggage and OMG, I don't know how I've lived without spinners!  We'll see how they perform on a wooden pier.  Another disclaimer, this is hands down the lightest I've ever packed in my shipping career....thank goodness my boots were left on the ship....there wasn't an inch of room to spare!  

All Day Long

I'm going to take photos with my phone ALL DAY LONG.  I realized this morning that you guys have no idea how I get ready to go back to sea - and how absolutely ridiculous my last 24 hours can be.  My goal is to create a photo montage in the airport - I've got some long layovers in my future! Loose ends take on a whole new meaning when you're at sea.  Let me just phone the bank...oh wait, I won't be in port for 2 more days.  Let me just get that in the mail....hmm, I wonder if the ships agent will buy me postage.  Let me just pick up some shampoo.....gosh darnit, the ships slop chest only has head and shoulders!  You get the idea....all I can say is:  I have a really good Mom and THANK GOODNESS my ship has Satellite Broadband!