Wrong turns, grumps, and Internet!


I spy with my little eye.....the new Port Mann bridge! However; I was only able to snap this shot because after getting underway this morning, I ended up taking 1 West instead of 1 East which, resulted in me being stuck in Vancouver rush hour. One teensy mistake costing me over an hour. Harrumph!

Then I was privileged enough to get the crankiest border crossing agent on the face of the planet. Wanna know what makes my blood boil? Stupid people who think they can boss me around. That's right. I said it.

The good news is I'm back in the lower 48 and it's affordable for me to use all my mobile gadgets again!!!

I should have told you all that I'd be in Canada for a week.....I apologize, I realized belatedly that it was very rude.

No Internet = Sad Megan. Such is life.

I'll be flying all night but I'll be back on track soon!

I hope you all had a fabulous Mother's Day Weekend!

Birthday Surprises

Of course Historiauntie delivered some totally cool presents for my birthday! She found some more things that belonged to my Grandpa. A navy joke book (I think I'll have to share some of them with you in the future!) and a book on semaphore signaling.

Wanna know what was also really cool?! She gave me a stick pin that had a piece of mined gold on the top. My great, great, great grandpa mined it in Yreka.

I'm probably lying about the great, great, great part....the good news is that she wrote it all down for me so I can look it up when I get home!

If you ask me, having a piece of mined gold that's been passed down through the generations means you're a bonafide American. So it's official! I'm no longer a fake American!
