My lovely house ladies...

...Just drove me to the airport. It was so nice. I'm not sure if they knew this BUT the thing I hate most about being in Maine is not having someone I know be able to drive me to the airport when I have to go to work.

I realize that is quite silly considering I've flown to work ten million times.

It's just wonderful though when I'm home in Hilo and my Mom can drop me off.

The fact that both of my house ladies were with me and gave me BIG HUGS and GO GET 'EM TIGERS seriously made my day!

Thanks ladies!!!!!



In Your Bag

Yesterday's Photo A Day June prompt was 'In Your Bag'. Which was awesome because we all know that I LOVE taking photos of my purse. ESPECIALLY when I'm getting ready to go to work! In this purse photo I'd like to draw your attention to the open sushi container on the car seat and the fact that all you can see in my purse is Dr. Bronners soap and some carrot juice.

If you ask me, this is a particularly awesome purse photo!


She Believed!

She believed she could so she did. I remember writing that on a piece of paper in the exam room when I was sitting for my Chief Mates license. (you can read the whole exam saga here if you need a refresher)

I decided that now that I'm officially taking the plunge I needed to channel some of that same energy so I painted it this weekend.

Do you remember when I passed my Chief Mates exam? It was exactly one year ago. June 16, 2011. Do you think it's amazing that I took my first job on June 15, 2012?

I believe I can and hopefully soon I'll tell you what it's like to say I did!
