Nautie Notes :: Greetings From The North Atlantic

Dear Mom, I love to see you writing so many notes on your iPhone and iPad.  You really are quite the techno-savvy chica these days!  Good on ya!

Dear Dad,

The way you passed on my spider crisis and made things happen was so 'effin cool.  Seriously.  I can't wait to write a post about my 8 legged friends.

Dear Family,

Your photos of a lone bagpiper warmed my heart.  How I wish I could have heard Amazing Grace with you.  I'm so glad that you're all together.

Dear North Atlantic,

I know you've had a lot to deal with Leslie and Mike....and Nadine but seriously, enough with the beam seas already.  I'm tired of rolling.  Do you know how hard it is to type in overtime while sitting in a swivel chair?  No?  I didn't think so....

Dear Nautie Books Readers,

Well?  You've been amazingly quiet about UNBROKEN.  Was September just not the right month for such a serious book?

Dear Stewards Department,

If you try to feed me one more hot dog I might go mental.  Just sayin'

Dear Head Lamp,

I love you so much.  I think I've told you this before but, I don't think it can be said enough.  The way you show me the's amazing.  I especially love the way you fit in my pocket.  You help me walk home from the bar, you help me enter cargo holds, you help me type on a dark bridge.  Love.

Dear Cell Phone Reception,

I really miss you.  Like a lot.  I really wish I could scroll through instagram, or download a song, or someone!  Soon, very soon my friend....

Dear Universe,

What the heck am I supposed to do next?  Maine?  Hawaii?  West Coast?  Why does it feel so complicated?  A sign....a sign would be nice....

Dear Nautie Friends,

As always, thanks for all your lovely comments and encouragement.  Have I mentioned how much I love you?



Antwerp, Belgium :: The Heavy Lifts

Seeing how as Chief Mate I never ever get ashore, lets talk cargo.  Shall we? In this last port we did three heavy lifts in one day!  It felt like a freakin' marathon.

The super interesting thing about these cargoes is that they were all loaded and discharged to barges.  It added one more variable to the evolution - how was the barge going to interact with the cargo?

I'll let the photos speak for themselves (again, please excuse the iPhone pics).




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