Back on the GO!

We're back in port. Of course, because I'm such a procrastinator my life is currently hell. When will I learn? The good news is that I can post from my phone. Which is so much more fun than posting with a slow shipboard internet connection.


Just FYI. It was a close one with this bridge. I was SO nervous when I was calculating my air drafts. All I could think was, 'if I complete a full trip and then the ship hits a bridge I'll NEVER live it down'.

Absence Makes....

...the heart grow fonder? Alright fine.  I know I've been lame.

We pull into our first East Coast port late tonight....and then in about 4 days I'm due off the ship.

You know what that means, right?

It's crunch time!

I'm busy.  Tying up loose ends (i.e. all the things that I put off until today).

I've been taking photos but, have I taken them off my camera yet?  Nope.

Be patient Nautie Friends!  I'll have cellie reception tonight and then I'll be posting away on the go!  Yippee!



Thank You For Not Talking Like A Pirate

Nautie Friends, did you guys know that September 19th was International Talk Like A Pirate Day? You know that I'm pulling my soap box out of the closet while typing so that I can begin discussing the seriousness of piracy, right?

Thank goodness my favorite source of maritime news bits The Old Salt Blog wrote about The Human Cost of Piracy so I didn't have to.

My poor father had the misfortune of emailing me a little somethin' somethin' he wrote about allowing pirates to attend church.  I tell you one thing, I wouldn't let a pirate anywhere near my cute little old Japanese ladies.

(For the record, what you wrote was great Dad....minus the whole Pirate thing...)

*Also, if you're in the mood to read old rants, raves or musings you can find them here, here and here.*