The Road Trip : Technical Difficulties
I see that the gallery isn't showing up in the last post.... I realize these are MAJOR first world problems but, I don't have Internet. I've been going to Starbucks to blog.
It is clearly exam week because Starbucks was FULL of college students on their laptops.
The Internet was sa-low.
I wanted to stay and complete the gallery even though it kept freezing during the upload process. But, I just couldn't.
I was going to be late for my pedicure.
The Road Trip :: GRACELAND
The reason we powered through Kentucky was that we were eager to get to Memphis, Tennessee. After visiting Fallingwater in Pennsylvania I started thinking of other famous homes. Then it dawned on me....
I've always found Elvis amazing - seeing his home made his life seem more real.
They've preserved the site beautifully and the attention to detail was amazing.
My favorite parts:
- Seeing the tiki bar in the Jungle Room. Such class.
- Elvis in an aloha shirt for Blue Hawaii and realizing I have a dress with the identical print!
- Peacock stained glass in the formal living room.
- The pool room beautifully covered in material.
- TCB. Taking care of business in a FLASH!
- The mirrored ceiling in the television room - with a FLASH on the wall of course!
- The jet Lisa Marie with a full size bed that required a belt
I won't go on and on about our time there. Instead I'll share TONS of photos!
Please...enjoy more! There were too many for me to pick a favorite!
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The Road Trip :: Kentucky
We sort of blew through Kentucky. We lallygagged through Pennsylvania and felt like we needed to make a little bit of time up.
Our only real stop was in Lexington where we took a walk through the Arboretum. It was nice to get out of the car and stretch our legs! We also made a stop in town to take pictures of older know me! I love peeking in unsuspecting strangers windows!
Lexington was really pretty. It was majorly a college town but, that didn't detract at all from it's gracefulness.
As we pulled into town there were people in blue everywhere. When I say people in blue I mean a lot of people in a lot of blue. Turns out the University of Kentucky had a basketball game going on. These people had team spirit!
The Arboretum was clearly a well loved place. Lots of joggers, lots of kids playing. We loved it too. It was right in the middle of town but very quiet.
Lexington had some kick butt older homes. I mean truly kick butt!
Best part of our drive through Kentucky? The hot pink sunset for sure!
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I made it!
I'm in Houston! The good news is that I found an apartment and have been doing all the little jobies that new apartments require.
The bad news is that I'm WAY behind on the blog! Whoopsies!
Confession: I can't stand it when the blog isn't in sequential order.
If I get a little behind I just stop because I can't stand when the posts don't follow the correct timeline. A little ridiculous, no?
I'm sorting through photos so I can deliver the road trip 'in order'.
I'm shopping at Ikea so I have forks.
I'm tagging things in Evernote so that we can talk books.
I'm hanging out with Canadiaunt.
I'm driving around Houston in circles!
Hope you're all doing well and, ill be back soon! Pinkie Promise!
In the meantime, I'm going to go back to enjoying my Southern Benedict...and yes...I'm totally the girl who blogs at the breakfast table...