I'm back - sorta

Well, the writing bug hasn't bitten me but, the true reason for my absence is that I'm back aboard. Confession: after almost eight years of sailing I still get squirrelly before going back to work. Lots of nervous energy and anxiety. I'm very difficult to be around because I'm majorly on edge and I get sharp.

My back to work M.O is to curl up and read and watch shows. I go into major hibernation mode. Then, 24-48 hours before returning to the ship I go crazy. I whirl around like a dervish to get all my ducks in a row - and often leave with missing ducks.

I didn't start packing for work until 0330 this morning and left the house by 0545 but, at 0515 I realized I hadn't written all my rent checks out in advance and had to dig through my unpacked boxes to look for stationary. Like I said, crazy. (Nate, is this making you break out in a cold sweat?! I actually woke myself up at 0251 nine minutes before my alarm would go off in a cold sweat.)

The good news? I made it. I'm here. It's on.


Merry and Bright!

My visit in Hilo was absolutely too short! I'm sitting at the airport once again...


Sitting here is of course bittersweet.

It gives me time to look through photos.

Like this one of a sweet lamb rubbing its head all over my legs...


Or of a totally awesome swell in Hilo Bay...


Lilikoi margaritas with lihingmui rims? Yes please...


Best yet? Christmas Eve dinner: kalua pig, lomi salmon, rice, poi and haupia...



I hope your holidays are merry and bright!



I saw this posted on the fridge in my Church's Fellowship Hall. It was such a good reminder.

Shame to waste!

I've been filling up every second of my time in Hilo with as much absolute goodness as possible.

There have been 30x30 check offs - really, really good ones! There have been sunrise photo safaris. There have been wreaths. There have been visits with old friends.


A Quick Hilo Update...

Apparently, I turn into a lazy blogger when I'm tooling about and I'm not on my ship! So sorry! Here's what I've been up to in pretty much this order:

I'VE BEEN ENJOYING THE VIEW I realize this might sound a little sassy...but I think it might actually be true...the house in Hilo (as in my Mom's house) has the BEST view in town...for realsies...


I'VE BEEN BOXING UP MY "THINGS" I have had a storage unit full of stuff for the last year. I still own my home in Hilo and I. Rent it out fully furnished. There is a tiny studio apartment for me but its also rented out right now. The storage unit just doesn't make sense....and it's certainly ridiculous when you think how much it costs to keep things you're not even using. What's hilarious is looking at what I've kept...what's even more fun is to look at my labels. They've been cracking me up!


I'VE BEEN PICKING FOLIAGE AND MAKING CHRISTMAS WREATHS This is pretty self explanatory. I've been making wreaths. The only real difference is that in Hawaii a traditional wreath isn't made with Evergreens - we use native plants instead. If you ask me they're stunning. I'll show you my finished product soon!
