I had plans for what Thirty would look like on this blog.
There would be some sort of this much i know is true post - maybe there would be a photo montage - maybe a letter to myself...that I could read later in life...
None of that seemed like enough.
I mean, really, really excited.
I think there are quite a few people who worried that I wasn't excited so much as flipped out but, I'm here to set the story straight.
I was ready to not be in my twenties. Majorly. Buh-bye.
I remember years ago my Cousin K up in Canada said, 'being in your thirties is awesome...it's like you can finally just be yourself...'. Amen Sister.
What I knew about turning Thirty was that I was not going to let it slip by unnoticed. I was going to do something, damnit!
At first I started planning a trip abroad. It's been awhile since I went abroad as a tourist....who could leisurely sip her coffee at a sidewalk cafe.
Then I decided I was going to Napa. I had never been. I like wine. Like, a lot.
Then I invited my Cousin (she doesn't have a code name but, I love her thiiiis much!!!!!), and the trip just came together. Girl Cousin's birthday was on the 4th the day after my own so it was a birthday extravaganza.
(I should say, the trip just came together with a little help from my friends....Ari, you get an A+.)
The day before yesterday I wrote about how epic Napa was. What I should have said was:
Turning Thirty Was Epic.
It was such a lovely day. Such.
I woke up at The Waterfront Hotel at Jack London Square in Oakland. It's all kinds of nautical goodness...if you're a Lady Sailor this is a fun place to pass some time.
I woke up really early - I'm sure it had something to do with jet lag - and decided that an early morning photo safari was a must on the first day of my thirtieth year.
Then it was off to breakfast at The Cock-A-Doodle Cafe. There were crepes and graham cracker french toast. Delish.
A stroll through a farmers market? Flowers? Yes please.
Of course no city tour is complete without admiring some local architecture. Pictures looking up at buildings....check.
You can't cruise the Bay Area and not check out the Golden Gate Bridge. amiright or amiright?
I got to visit with a long lost Auntie. It was amazing. Silly me hadn't been to her house since I was a kid. Apparently, I was geographically challenged as a youth because I didn't know she lived in the Bay Area. I totally thought she lived in SoCal. I know, right? Who doesn't know where their Aunties live?!
Said Auntie had a pack of Chihuahuas. It was awesome. Can you see George?
After a full afternoon of visiting we got in the car and took off for Napa. Aaaah. Deep sigh. This meant we needed a coffee to go. Clearly.
First stop Napa? The Andaz Hotel. Oooh La La!
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Birthday Dinner. One Word. Bottega. It came highly recommended. It didn't disappoint. There was a personalized Birthday Greeting....and beet raviolis with fennel. Just Sayin'.
Want to know how I ended the evening? Food Porn. Panna Cotta with winter citrus, micro basil, mint syrup and a wheat cigar stuffed with sweet lemon ricotta.
Happy Flirty Thirty To Me!