The Internet No Worky

Sometimes I forget that I'm actually on a ship and that the internet isn't a guaranteed fact it's a total luxury!!!!  We have broadband satellite internet - which is lovely - except for the fact when the ship is on a NNE'ly heading the receiver is in the shadow of the ships mast....which means the internet no worky! We've been at anchor for several days now....with a strong wind blowing out of the NNE....which means we're riding on the hook heading straight into the wind!!!!  GRRRRR.....

Internet on a ship can probably be compared to crack.....and trust me when I say I've been going through withdrawls!!!!

The good news is that there hasn't been too much going on so the blog hasn't missed out on much.

The best thing that has happened in the past few days is that the Cadet and I filled up the pool - yes we have a pool!!!!


Link Love :: Sea Hag Edition

Everyday I get off watch at either 0400 or 0600....I go down to my stateroom and put on my pajamas and then I go and sit in my day room for a little bit and cruise the internet.  It helps me unwind and the internet is super duper fast because I'm pretty much the only person awake who's not on watch.  I can't even begin to describe to you how big of a luxury it is to have a day room.....let alone internet in my day room!!!!  I'm going to be spoiled for all other ships (unless I'm the Captain - heh heh)! It seems like when I'm out here I'm drawn to super girlie this edition of link love isn't so much for the guys...but then again, is it ever really?



I'd love to be described as exquisite - wouldn't you?!  Here are some helpful hints!

Before I left Florida I was horribly addicted to the The Bachelorette.  I've linked to this chick before - she's ridiculously hilarious - and she's saved my life!!!  Check this series out:  The One Where I Watch The Bachelorette So You Don't Have To.

I would kill to be invited to a wine and cheese party....or even to be able to host one!  Check out these wine bottle labels from pinhole press!

Not into wine?  Or maybe you're preggers (huge shout out to my procreating bestie!)?  Serve water!  Check out these totally cute bottles of infused water!

I discovered a blog called **Happiness Is...** and it does make me a little happy inside when I read it!  What made me really happy was learning about this artist.  Remember how I told you about me cutting things out of magazines and then just saving them....or putting them up on my walls....well, awhile back I found some totally cool graphics in an 'O' Magazine - which I've been saving forever because they are too cool to use - and they look just like this!  Apparently it's called Quilling.  Love, love, love!

Sad news this week about Amy Winehouse.  I stumbled upon a tribute To Amy written by Russel Brand - it was simply beautiful....



That's it for's some pink-y goodness to send you on your way.....


The Simple Life

One thing I've been loving about the Mediterranean is how simple life is.  The important things are never forgotten - like good food and wine :)  Driving through neighborhoods you see families sitting together under trees in the middle of the day.  Men play backgammon on the sidewalk while sipping oozo.   Women walk to the grocer at the end of the street for just a couple items of food - that they're going to eat on the same day.  Old men still catch fish to take home to friends and family and women still cook it to perfection.  Life simply seems enjoyed.  



I WAS IN CRETE! A little background info….I have a super cool aunt (her name rhymes with Heron – that will have to do until I think up a better code name).  When I was growing up she would gift me magazine subscriptions.  I got American Girl, Highlights, Ranger Rick….but the one I got that was right up my alley was called ‘new moon’.  It was a little hippie trippie (or maybe it would be better to say artsy fartsy) but, I was into horses and poetry and ‘using my imagination’ so it was right up my alley!  Anyway, there was a story in one edition where a girl gets ‘sent’ to ancient Crete.  Ever since I read that story I’ve had ideas about Crete….how cool it would be to go there…what it would look like…..what the people would be like….you get the idea.

The long and short of it is – It was nothing like I imagined!  This usually is the case when you’ve been given enough time to build something up in your mind.  That being said, it was quaint and pleasant.  There were tons of tourists!  The food was delicious!  The weather was great!  It just didn't feel as 'ancient' as I thought it would....although in all fairness an afternoon ashore doesn't allow for in depth exploration.  Also, the weirdo in me just didn't think the picture taking was all that great.  Italy spoiled me!  All in all it was an excellent day ashore....and I'd go back in a heartbeat!