Everyone Loves Saturday // Link Love


I'm currently wearing a beach coverup and a knit cardigan curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee surfing the interwebz.  This might be my bliss point.

If you're also enjoying a lazy Saturday Morning maybe you'd like some interwebz surfing suggestions?

Here we go....

I love following along with Kelly Purkey even though I'm not really a scrapbooker - and I especially think she gives great travel advice - like what to pack in a carry on.

A link round up here wouldn't be the same without a HONY contribution.  I LOVED THIS.  

The Crossroads of Should and Must.  Read this.  Seriously.  

Joy the Baker shared Marakesh Carrots - and it's pretty much been something I'm craving every since....

I'm a huge fan of Nicole.  I was an even bigger fan after she validated:  Because I want to.

The Best Way to Keep Fresh Flowers.  So glad someone figured this out for me.  

Did you read this exposé on NYC Nail Salons basically being sweatshops?  It's pretty disturbing...

These empathy cards really made the internet rounds so you might've already seen them but, I'm so glad they're here and had to share them myself!

Well, I could add links all day long - but I'm really looking forward to going to the farmers market so I gotta wrap this up.  Enjoy your weekend!

One last thing...this is what I've been listening to lately.  First Aid Kit.  They're Sweedish Sisters and I pretty much love them.  Hear them on David Letterman here (skip to about 1:45 if you just wanna hear them sing....):

Aloha Friday v6 + Five Things

...It's Aloha Friday...no work till Monday...da doobie doo da doobie doobie doobie doo....

Hilo Town & Rainbow

Maybe you were hoping for a song instead of a rainbow over Hilo town?  Yes?  (Click here for the original Aloha Friday song....cause it's the best one ever!)

Now let's do what the rest of the internet does on Friday - list Five Things!

1.  Jet.Lag.  I have never been struck so hard by Jet Lag!  I have felt like a walking zombie the last few days and really only just feel like I'm perking up.  This might be the perfect meme.

2.  I'm pretty sure my friends have been rolling their eyes about my 'big adventure'...I'm also pretty sure this New York Times article confirms it.

3.  One of the Kathmandu Girls had these Lululemon pants - and then everyone else went home and bought them - and love them - I'm having serious FOMO and think I might need to acquire some.  

4.  I went to Central Kitchen for dinner this week.  It really, really deserves a post of its own.  So really, I only told you that to brag because dude, dinner was delicious.

5.  I kind of want to apologize for not blogging in a while and, I kind of want to promise to jump on the band wagon soon but them I'm pretty sure this hilarious article would have my name in it.

Have a Fabulous Weekend Nautie Friends!!!!! 

Link Love :: I forget what week number this is...

week whatever

I used to number these things by the week number.  I've been on vacation for a few weeks.  No clue.  Week What.Ever is totally allowed in the summertime!  Let's just carry on, shall we?

I've been trying to drink my coffee black (umm...hard.) I've found one of the biggest helps is to drink good coffee.  Elise (my favorite) has recently posted some good coffee 'how-tos'.  Cold Brew & How to Chemex.  Coffee Goodness.

Although Beyoncé is my Spirit Animal and I like to pretend that I have as many as hours in a day as her....Do I really?  Let's be clear....she's still my Spirit Animal....

Have you heard of Finnish Baby Boxes?  I think it's brilliant.  Brilliant.

I'm loving these chalkboard designs - also known as the most beautiful vandalism ever.

I have a secret longing to be a foodie.  Which naturally means I have a secret obsession with The French Laundry therefore; I loved these 15 Lessons from 20 years of the French Laundry.

I've got my own book list / to be read pile going but, I love reading other peoples.  Here you go.  

I know the World Cup is over but, seeing this Deaf / Blind Brazilian 'watching' the game is truly heartwarming.  

I just went to a Pilates class where the 70 year old ladies were schooling me which is why I love this post about why It's Okay To Be a Beginner.  

Strangely, I saw this parody video before I heard the original song.  This one goes out to all my mama friends!

This Salad WILL be made.

I really, really believe that money + fear are so closely related.  Great read.

I'm listening to Ryn Weaver.  I've just heard this song for the first time....me likey....it will get its own post maybe *wink*

I officially want to go to Croatia.  

This made me laugh....he's a sea witch in disguise....

Okay, this made me laugh too.

Nautie Friends, please have a fabulous weekend!

Link Love :: Week Eleven

I get it...that image is totally out of control.  Except when I went to edit it I was like:  gold glitter?  yes!  leopard?  yes!  pink glitter?  yes!  sequins?  yes!



First of all...a little bragging is in order.  My girl cousin just finalized plans to embark on the largest rezoning in Vancouver history.  Check out Oakridge 2025.  Girl cousin is the project manager.  Yeah...kind of a big deal.  

Have you ever wondered what it would look like if someone tied balloons to their dreads?  This.  This is what it would look like.

Gala Darling shared how to sass up a 'self love bible' - It reminded me so much of things I used to do in  High School.  I think I need to create one of these for myself!

Have you ever felt really weird ordering a croissant with a french accent in North America?  Me too.  I normally suck it up and do it....even if I feel like I am trying to sound hoity toity.

Have you seen this video of Sarah Jessica Parker answering 73 Questions?  It's from the Vogue Channel and I loved it.

Here's another mettle maker for you.  I know you're not sick of those or anything...

After Joy the Baker shared this Pimms Cup Cocktail I thought I should just you know...take a day trip to New Orleans to get one of my own...

Now for your weekly HONY inspiration:  a note on failure.

You all know i'm obsessed with campers and trailers.  How 'bout this little cutie's makeover.  

DesignLoveFest is sharing constellation design 'dress your tech' items.  They're awesome.

I've been seeing this video of strangers kissing all over the interwebz - then this week I read that it was actually a clothing advertisement and that it was a bit of a set up...I'm not sure what the truth is but I liked it....

On that note, I thought this video was pretty funny....

Ye Bin learns how to say no to strangers:

Visit DramaFever News for more cute, funny and crazy news from Asia! http://www.dramafever.com/news Also check out DramaFever Kids new series Pororo! http://bit.ly/1cFn8xa

Link Love :: Week Ten


I hope you're in your pajamas, with a cup of something hot, under a snuggly blanket, with toes snuggled in sheepskin booties.

As you read this I'm in Austin hanging with friends.  Life is good!  So are Links!

Elise writes about Pinhole Press.  As someone who has made a few photo books (for others) but hasn't splurged on one for myself, I'm closer to making it happen after reading this.

I've been talking about Photoshop all week.  Let me tell you what....some of that shiznit takes some serious time....yo.  A Beautiful Mess is now selling Photoshop Actions.  If I had a job I'd buy these.  

How to Not Communicate Like a D*ck

Sometimes I think, 'I'm gonna quit sailing, I'm going to be a freelancer with a thriving business'...especially when I see studios like this.

This is weird.  Sexually charged furniture from Russia.  Read:  NSFW!

Loved this read from Sarah at Yes and Yes - this is what personal growth feels like.

I'd really like to travel through the Philippines some day.  Adventurous Kate made my mouth water with this post about Boracay.

I will admit someone has mistaken me for being pregnant.  Even though it was one of those moments where you think you're gonna die you can't help but laugh.....and then never let yourself eat a piece of cheese again.  p.s. you should read her blog.  hilarious.  hilarious.

Even though I have a booty, I'm not the best booty shaker.  Problem Solved.

This HONY gave me all the feels.


...and now because I love you....here's Beyoncé's Drunk In Love.....Emoji style...


Link Love :: Week Nine


What better time to flip through some link love then on a weekend?  Recently, I've been saving up links for myself to read on Saturdays - I've been trying to treat my weekdays like actual weekdays.  I hope you lovelies are making time for books, coffee and sunshine!

Now for some links!

I have been loving the beejeesus out of after the jump a podcast by Grace Bonney of Design*Sponge.  Lately she's been talking about work / life and I can't seem to get enough.

Grace Bonney (please see above) frequently mentions fastcompany.com - I had never heard of it - I also hadn't noticed how often she mentions them until she pointed it out.  Good Reading! 

Advice from Artists on how to overcome a creative block via Brain Pickings.   

Whatsapp was just bought by Facebook and I'm a bit bummed.  Pugly Pixel shared this old post by Whatsapp about why they chose not to sell ads.  I liked it.  Lets see how this one plays out.

Mister Rogers passed away and Alexandra Franzen wrote a lovely tribute.

You know when you learn about a thing and then that thing is everywhere?  Like, when your friend is pregnant and you see pregnant ladies everywhere.  Or when you rent a car and then you notice that car everywhere.  Or when you learn about an obscure band and then you find their album.  Yes, well this is a thing and it's called The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon.  Let's see if you're suddenly seeing that everywhere!

Spring Essentials - that nautical blazer had my name on it! (also this is a sister of a friend so you should obviously check her out.)  

This looks like a great book on learning how to get paid to write.  I think I might check it out myself!

A round up of documentaries.  Hello Netflix Marathon.

Lastly...some magic for your earbuds...

Favorite New Music:  Clovis' Sons - Josh Pyke  (well, new to me and maybe you music)

The Fans First tour, LIVE at the Beetle Bar, in Brisbane. 24 June 2011.

I'm trying out a new format for link love...along with some new photoshopped goodness...please bear with me as I fiddle with my new skills...I didn't realize this looked a little fuzzy until it was too late.  Mahalo!