Everyone Loves Saturday // Link Love


I'm currently wearing a beach coverup and a knit cardigan curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee surfing the interwebz.  This might be my bliss point.

If you're also enjoying a lazy Saturday Morning maybe you'd like some interwebz surfing suggestions?

Here we go....

I love following along with Kelly Purkey even though I'm not really a scrapbooker - and I especially think she gives great travel advice - like what to pack in a carry on.

A link round up here wouldn't be the same without a HONY contribution.  I LOVED THIS.  

The Crossroads of Should and Must.  Read this.  Seriously.  

Joy the Baker shared Marakesh Carrots - and it's pretty much been something I'm craving every since....

I'm a huge fan of Nicole.  I was an even bigger fan after she validated:  Because I want to.

The Best Way to Keep Fresh Flowers.  So glad someone figured this out for me.  

Did you read this exposé on NYC Nail Salons basically being sweatshops?  It's pretty disturbing...

These empathy cards really made the internet rounds so you might've already seen them but, I'm so glad they're here and had to share them myself!

Well, I could add links all day long - but I'm really looking forward to going to the farmers market so I gotta wrap this up.  Enjoy your weekend!

One last thing...this is what I've been listening to lately.  First Aid Kit.  They're Sweedish Sisters and I pretty much love them.  Hear them on David Letterman here (skip to about 1:45 if you just wanna hear them sing....):