Link Love :: Week Eleven

I get it...that image is totally out of control.  Except when I went to edit it I was like:  gold glitter?  yes!  leopard?  yes!  pink glitter?  yes!  sequins?  yes!



First of all...a little bragging is in order.  My girl cousin just finalized plans to embark on the largest rezoning in Vancouver history.  Check out Oakridge 2025.  Girl cousin is the project manager.  Yeah...kind of a big deal.  

Have you ever wondered what it would look like if someone tied balloons to their dreads?  This.  This is what it would look like.

Gala Darling shared how to sass up a 'self love bible' - It reminded me so much of things I used to do in  High School.  I think I need to create one of these for myself!

Have you ever felt really weird ordering a croissant with a french accent in North America?  Me too.  I normally suck it up and do it....even if I feel like I am trying to sound hoity toity.

Have you seen this video of Sarah Jessica Parker answering 73 Questions?  It's from the Vogue Channel and I loved it.

Here's another mettle maker for you.  I know you're not sick of those or anything...

After Joy the Baker shared this Pimms Cup Cocktail I thought I should just you know...take a day trip to New Orleans to get one of my own...

Now for your weekly HONY inspiration:  a note on failure.

You all know i'm obsessed with campers and trailers.  How 'bout this little cutie's makeover.  

DesignLoveFest is sharing constellation design 'dress your tech' items.  They're awesome.

I've been seeing this video of strangers kissing all over the interwebz - then this week I read that it was actually a clothing advertisement and that it was a bit of a set up...I'm not sure what the truth is but I liked it....

On that note, I thought this video was pretty funny....

Ye Bin learns how to say no to strangers:

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