Using Ad Blockers - Brought to you by a Podcast Lover

If you talk to me often, you know you'll hear this at some point during a discussion:  I was listening to this podcast and they were talking about how...

I'm taking this (possibly) annoying habit one step further and, am opening up a podcast discussion here in Nautie Mermate Land.  

note to self.jpg

Yesterday, I was getting caught up on a podcast I love called Note To Self.  They were talking about how Apple gives the option to Ad Block with their most recent update.  You should really, really give it a listen.

Seems pretty straight forward right?  We hate it when we get pop ups.  Or when we have to stop to watch an ad before we can read an article.  Except, it's not that simple.  Publishers rely heavily on advertising revenue to stay afloat.  What do we do when these publishers go out of business?

We have to be prepared for small publishers to go out of business and large companies like Apple and Facebook swooping in to save the day.  We'll hear them saying, 'oh don't worry that your news isn't free anymore because Ads stopped paying the bills and Mr. Small Publisher had to close up shop - just head over to our News Service'.  Apple News.  Facebook News.

I realize this makes me sound like a conspiracy theorist but, I think anytime a free flow of information is jeopardized as a society we need to be worried.  We need to consider who is controlling the flow of information.  We need to consider the long term consequences of not being able to hear alternate view points.  

Last week I listened to a podcast by Planet Money - an ultimate favorite podcast.  It was about the concept of 'Free'.  How people rebel when things that used to be considered free now have a price attached.  The example they gave was how Veterans feel about the Red Cross.  Super Interesting!  Give it a listen!  NY Times online articles are another great example of this - you get ten articles a month for free and then they require a subscription - except we're used to getting news for free!

Where am I going with this?  The internet has always been 'free' - except it hasn't - it's been paid for by advertising.  How does Google make money?  Google is an advertising agency.  As per Wikipedia 96% of Google's revenue is from advertising.  

This poses an interesting ethical dilemma.  Should we stop allowing large companies to track our every move with cookies and bombard us with advertisements?  Even if it means death to the indie publication and the start-up?

Some of the App Developers who have created Ad Blockers have removed them from the App Store after having second thoughts.

I encourage you to read the original article by Casey Johnston which Manoush references on Note to Self.  

Most of you know that I love the internet.  I love it.  Being a sailor it has allowed me to stay connected in a way that has never before been an option.  When I was a cadet we lined up at payphone's (wait, what are those?!) on the dock.  I received snail mail!  Later, we had email that went through the Captain.  He'd print it out and put it on your door.  My last vessel had wifi.  I could iMessage!  Download podcasts!  Instagram!

I won't be installing Ad Blockers.  I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Aloha Friday v6 + Five Things

...It's Aloha work till Monday...da doobie doo da doobie doobie doobie doo....

Hilo Town & Rainbow

Maybe you were hoping for a song instead of a rainbow over Hilo town?  Yes?  (Click here for the original Aloha Friday song....cause it's the best one ever!)

Now let's do what the rest of the internet does on Friday - list Five Things!

1.  Jet.Lag.  I have never been struck so hard by Jet Lag!  I have felt like a walking zombie the last few days and really only just feel like I'm perking up.  This might be the perfect meme.

2.  I'm pretty sure my friends have been rolling their eyes about my 'big adventure'...I'm also pretty sure this New York Times article confirms it.

3.  One of the Kathmandu Girls had these Lululemon pants - and then everyone else went home and bought them - and love them - I'm having serious FOMO and think I might need to acquire some.  

4.  I went to Central Kitchen for dinner this week.  It really, really deserves a post of its own.  So really, I only told you that to brag because dude, dinner was delicious.

5.  I kind of want to apologize for not blogging in a while and, I kind of want to promise to jump on the band wagon soon but them I'm pretty sure this hilarious article would have my name in it.

Have a Fabulous Weekend Nautie Friends!!!!! 

Instagram Confessions

Confession:  I'm kinda one of those people who pick only the best parts of their day on instagram aaaannnddd, I'll take this one step further to say I sometimes semi-pose things to make sure they're 'instagram worthy'.  

Now, I know I'm not the only person doing this but, one thing I really appreciate in life is a little transparency.  I don't totally have my shit together - and I don't expect you to either!  Win-Win!

In an effort to provide a little transparency (especially since the blog has been light and my instagram feed has been heavy of late) I'm gonna tell all.

....annnd now.....for the rest of the storrrryyyy....

I went out to take this photo - because really I don't have too much to photo at sea.  White caps and Coffee.  The highlights of my day.  As soon as I went out to snap a photo the wind whipped all the froth off my coffee and straight onto my jacket.  I was a total flipping mess!

I took the photo on the left - and then decided my leg looked fat and white - so I took the photo on the right.  Then, I didn't post either one because I was scared someone would ask me about FitMermate and my exercise intentions.  I'm like an ostrich with my head in the one can see me not exercising out here if I don't post it on instagram!

I may have mentioned that I never went ashore in Japan....I slept instead.  That being said, I posted this photo of our approach to Yokohama with pretty clouds.  In actuality I was bundled up on the bow because it was raining and I was semi miserable.  I docked the ship, got off watch, ate and slept.  Total false advertising.

Alright, I know I already posted a coffee photo but, this photo took me about 6 tries.  I had to take many, many photos individually and then pick two that I wanted to marry.  Then I tried many, many times to get just the right border with my A Beautiful Mess app.  Time consuming would be an understatement in this case.  Incidentally, if you want to get more followers on instagram hashtag #aeropress.  No lie.  Coffee Lovers Unite!

I've got more where these came from.  I'm thinking I'll save them for later.  I mean, we should be honest more than just once in a while, right?

In the meantime, you can find me on Instagram:  @nautiemermate  - Instagram has become something I love - a source of inspiration, aspirations and what ifs.  Find me so I can find you!

Ash & Anchor + Megan the Nautie Mermate = LOVE

Pavo and Sunshine You know that feeling when you find something you love and you want to buy many, much, more?  You want to use it all the time and you want everyone else to know how much you love it.  More importantly you want everyone else to have it and love it too!

ASH AND ANCHOR SCARVES ARE THIS THING THAT WE SHOULD ALL LOVE!  (and Nautie Friends it's your lucky day!)

I had been oohing and aahing over Ash & Anchor scarves for a long time.  I would look at all the pretty designs and think, 'I think this is a need not a want, right?'.  I've actually talked about them on the blog a lot too!  (See here and here and here.)

Finally, I said:  Treat 'Yo Self!

When my Pavo Scarf arrived in the mail it was packaged beautifully - with a hand written note - which my Grandmother would have majorly approved of.

handwritten note

I immediately took it on a few trips.  Vegas, Austin, Seattle and, Vancouver were all just slightly more enjoyable with Pavo along.  On my Seattle / Vancouver trip the weather was a strange mix of warm and cold - sunny and drizzly - Pavo was perfect for this.

Listen, when you have a scarf that looks good in a bag you know you've found a winner!

pavo in my bag

We talk a lot about travel accessories around here.  What our travel 'must-haves' consist of.  Where we like to go and what we like to wear when we go there.  We talk about looking fancy when we feel anything but.  We also talk about things that just make sense....and are lovely at the same time.

Traveling with Pavo was lovely...and made sense.  It rolled right up into my purse.  I wrapped Big Bertha up in it and threw her in my bag.  I pulled it up over my head when I was freezing on the plane.  I cleaned my sunglasses lenses with it.  I zipped my jacket up over it when I was freezing in Vancouver.  Lovely I tell you, Lovely.

Here's the good news:

Nina Glaser of Ash & Anchor has been so kind as to give a Veda Scarf to one lucky reader!


Nautie Friends, I'm so incredibly honored that Nina has gifted a Veda Scarf to this humble blog.  I'm also incredibly excited that one of you are going to be cruising around town in style!

Here's what you can do to make this lovely yours: 

  • Post a comment.  Tell us your favorite travel destination and your must have travel accessory.  We love travel stories around here!  Have you had an adventure that you'd like to re-tell?  Now's your chance!
  • We love us some social media.  Tweet it up!  Facebook your Friends!  Instagram this amazingness!
  • Tell everyone you know.  You have a blog?!  Perfect!

One week from now (that would be 09 Aug) I'll pull a name from a hat.  Posted a comment?  That's a slip in the hat.  Sent a tweet out into the twitterverse?  That's a slip in the hat.  Invited a new reader to the blog who is sly enough to drop your name?  That's a slip in the hat!  

Was I right, or was I right?


Can't wait to read about where you've been and what kind of shenanigans you've gotten up to!  Can't wait to see you kicking around the interwebz!  Can't wait to meet some new friends!

You can find me on Instagram @nautiemermate (sorry can't link up to Instagram on the ship) - I tweet away @nautiemermate - I'm alive and well at Megan the NautieMermate on Facebook.  

Listen, we ALL loved Google Reader...

...but it's soon to be no more, okay? Now, if you're like me, Google Reader managed your blog readin' life and you're a little bit cranky.  I get it.  Change is hard.  As with most things in life however; a little change is sometimes necessary.

Here are some Google Reader alternatives that aren't so bad!

The Old Reader.  I like this one because it is very similar to the original Google Reader.  This means that it's kind of a change but not really.  This one gets 3.5 stars because it doesn't have an app.

Blog Lovin'.  Bloggers like this one because it allows you to view the original post as it was intended to look.  Sometimes my photos look a little different in Google Reader - especially if it's an album.  When you make a site change a reader can instantly see it.  Unfortunately, this one didn't work too well for me on the ship because it took along time for some posts to load.  I seriously don't think that would be an issue for most.  This one gets 4 stars (and most people would give it a 5 star rating).

Feedly.  People love this one.  I've never used it because it's blocked on the ship.  Darnit Barracuda Filter!  Why do you call this one a game?!  (we're not allowed to play games...they get blocked...lame)  I can't give this a rating but like I said, many love it.

News Blur.  I signed up for News Blur while I was on the ship and it was the best alternative I could find at the time.  That being said, I had to pay for a monthly subscription.   I do like it's app and the app is available for android and apple - which is a plus, right?!  4 stars.

There you have it Nautie Friends, we all have options.

you're right.  this photo has nothing to do with this post.  a little glittery peace at stinson beach?  love it.

A Little Feminism + Nautie Books = Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

Every now and then we talk a little bit about feminism around here.  This week I stumbled across some gems on the internet so, ready for a little more feminist talk?  First of all, Happy 50th Birthday to the Equal Pay Act!   I stumbled across this TEDTalk that blew my mind because - Yes!  This!

I often wonder why after women have had equal rights - and all the fighting women did for equal rights - women didn't rise to the top quicker.

Why is it that in 8 years of sailing I've had one female captain (out of about 20)?  Why have I had only one female pilot (out of more pilots than I could possibly count)?  Why is it when I work in the office there are no women heading up operations (there are many women in the office but very few in vessel specific positions)?  Why do I feel like I am either sailing with withering ovaries or quitting?  Why don't I think I can make it work?

Over a year ago I attended The Women on the Water Conference.  It was held at one of the State Maritime Academies and it was designed to introduce female midshipmen to female professionals in the maritime industry.  It was excellent.  One of my friends was leading a discussion on appropriate shipboard conduct and tips for shipboard success but, at the end of her discussion she threw something in for the ladies who were already in the industry.  She said:  Don't eat the young.

It really stuck with me because, she was right.  We eat the young.  Women have a tendency to be tough on each other.  If there is one thing we can do as women in the maritime industry it's to help each other achieve success.

Women are hard on each other but news flash - Men are hard on women too.  We were talking about a Chic out on a Rig.  A Dude says, 'I don't mind working with her - she's okay'.  Dear Lady Friend looks at me and says, 'You know what that means right?  She's awesome.'.

I'm about to let the cat out of the bag.  I feel like this is a secret I have guarded.  My vessels nickname in the fleet is the Xyz Estrogen (xyz is my companies understand...).  We have all female officers:  Chief Mate, Second Mate, Third Mate.  We'll all be going back for our third rotation together.  Nautie Friends, let me tell you, this is unheard of.  All female officers for multiple rotations?!  Mind Blowing.

I haven't said anything about it because it shouldn't be a big deal.  The first woman graduated from Maine Maritime Academy in 1975!  It should blow no one's mind that a ship could have multiple female deck officers.....but it does.  It blows everyone's mind.

As I have moved up in rank I have started to feel an overwhelming degree that I must be mindful of my obligation to mentor.  If I don't stop and take the time to mentor who will?  If I don't remind myself not to eat the young will they all be eaten?  Most importantly, if I don't recognize that I have something to teach - will I teach?

I'd also like to stop right here and reiterate that I think having a choice as a women is a powerful thing.  I would never, ever presume to know what was best for someone's family or child.  I am in no way advocating that rising to the top of the leadership pyramid is the best choice for everyone!

Without further ado, I'd like to introduce June's Nautie Books Selection:

Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

Please join me in reading Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg.  I've already begun and have nodded my head and wanted to say, 'amen sister!' more than once.

When a girl tries to lead, she is often labeled bossy.  Boys are seldom called bossy because a boy taking the role of a boss does not surprise or offend.  As someone who was called this for much of my childhood, I know that it is not a compliment.

Oh.My.God.Yes.  I have been called bossy my entire life...and have never once thought of it as a positive.

I was at a friends wedding with a gaggle of Maine Maritime and Coast Guard Academy Grads.  We were all throwing out suggestions and getting wedding preparations underway.  My dear lady friend said, 'I love that there are so many natural leaders here!!!'.  She wasn't being facetious - she didn't want us to quit bossing her around - she was honestly impressed!  At that moment I was impressed.  All I could think was, I'm not sure I'd like to be surrounded by so many bossypants for too much longer!  I shouldn't have been impressed - I should have embraced the bossy.

I'll be reading this book for many reasons:  I don't want to eat the young...and, I want to become a better leader....and, I want to embrace the bossy.....and, I believe that there is a work / life balance that I can achieve....and, I want to promote other women in the industry....and because I'm tired of being so hard on myself!

I realize that Nautie Books is beginning to have a poor track record!  I didn't debriefed April or May's book selection!  What can I say - I'm struggling to find a work / life balance (*wink*)!

Ladies and Gentlemen, let's Lean In! 

image via