Listen, we ALL loved Google Reader...

...but it's soon to be no more, okay? Now, if you're like me, Google Reader managed your blog readin' life and you're a little bit cranky.  I get it.  Change is hard.  As with most things in life however; a little change is sometimes necessary.

Here are some Google Reader alternatives that aren't so bad!

The Old Reader.  I like this one because it is very similar to the original Google Reader.  This means that it's kind of a change but not really.  This one gets 3.5 stars because it doesn't have an app.

Blog Lovin'.  Bloggers like this one because it allows you to view the original post as it was intended to look.  Sometimes my photos look a little different in Google Reader - especially if it's an album.  When you make a site change a reader can instantly see it.  Unfortunately, this one didn't work too well for me on the ship because it took along time for some posts to load.  I seriously don't think that would be an issue for most.  This one gets 4 stars (and most people would give it a 5 star rating).

Feedly.  People love this one.  I've never used it because it's blocked on the ship.  Darnit Barracuda Filter!  Why do you call this one a game?!  (we're not allowed to play games...they get blocked...lame)  I can't give this a rating but like I said, many love it.

News Blur.  I signed up for News Blur while I was on the ship and it was the best alternative I could find at the time.  That being said, I had to pay for a monthly subscription.   I do like it's app and the app is available for android and apple - which is a plus, right?!  4 stars.

There you have it Nautie Friends, we all have options.

you're right.  this photo has nothing to do with this post.  a little glittery peace at stinson beach?  love it.