The Suckiness Of Cool Crap.


I took this photo yesterday to send to my Cousin Rhiannon. It was an on the fly snap shot. It's literally my bedroom floor. I was trying to illustrate my 'suckiness'. Unpacking. It is the thing I suck at the most. My room consists of tons of little bags full of crap. Tote bags. Wheelie bags. Make up bags. The less I unpack the more filled with crap they become. Then I'm home for an extended amount of time and the crap starts oozing out of the bags. Then before I know it I'm off on an adventure (even if it's just a weekend adventure) and I just shove the crap (and then a little extra crap) back into their respective bags. See! Suckiness! After I took the photo and sent it along it started to crack me up. I mean look what's in it!

Goggles. A single wool sock. A hot pink scarf that I bought in Singapore and ALWAYS travel with. A postcard from the academy soliciting alumni donations. A black cashmere wrap. A travel drying rack. The handle of my favorite duffel. A power cord. A wool beanie that is stained with mud from the anchor chain.

And YES. That crap is still on my bedroom floor this morning. Although it looks like its been stirred up a bit. Fabric for pillows I'm going to sew, a leather belt, a stack of bills, and a travel shopping bag have been added to the pile.

My Mom always says, 'yes you have a lot of crap....but at least it's COOL crap!'.

I concur. My crap is cool.


The Nautieness Is Amazing!

Nautie Friends!  You're so freaking NICE!!!!!! This week there has been an insane amount of NICE around here.  Sarah Von over at Yes and Yes has something called 'Network of Nice'.  I think it's safe to say that we have officially developed a Network of Nautie (since I prefer to think of myself as much more NAUTIE than NICE).

I'd like to review the evidence which most assuredly points to some intense NAUTIENESS.

When I admitted I'd been in a funk you my lovely Nautie Friends, rallied.  Since I'm sure you all don't check the comments compulsively like my darling mother let me fill you in.

Bridget helped me put drama into perspective.  It was one of those times when you read something and then think to yourself, "YES!  That is exactly right!".  Thanks for the share Bridget!  My Mother (the comment reader) also pointed out that this post on drama received 628 comments!  A girl can only dream.

Marilyn suggested the Funky Broadway Dance.  No lie, the Ladies and I Funky Broadway Danced around the kitchen.  True story.

Little Miss Sunshine said, 'GET SOME EXERCISE!'.  Okay, okay....for the record...I DID!

Which leads me to the next bit of Nautie...

When I said that I'm working on getting fit....again...rallying occurred!

Ivy immediately texted me inviting me over to partake in a little exercise at her place.  Butt kicking ensued.  Have you all heard of Body Rock?  It's kinda like a blog where women who look like porn stars work out and then help you work out.  It's pretty Nautie (I almost mean naughty).  Me strangely likey.  Then she showed me this app where you basically create a circuit training timer.

Here is where things get super duper Nautie.

Russ emailed my Cousin Rhiannon and left her the nicest note ever.  PLUS, he donated to this years Ride To Conquer Cancer.  Russ, you blow my mind sometimes.

This community of Nautie Friends amazes me.  Over and over again.  This blog which began so I didn't have to write so many emails while at sea, has changed my life.  I know, I know....cliche.....but, so true!  There may be only a few of us but, there are certainly enough of us to crew a ship....and really, how many more people do you need than enough to crew a ship?!

Thank you all for making me feel blessed.  

Beet Lovin'

Okay, let me start with what I have decided is a funny story.  It is important to note that many times when I decide something is majorly isn't.  This may be one of those times.  I really, really love beets.  Did you guys know this?  No?  It's true.  Love them. I'm always looking for new ways to prepare them.  Mostly because I eat them so often that I get bored with my 'go to beet recipes'.  When I was in Vancouver, my Cousin Rhiannon bought a bunch of beets.  I was immediately like, 'ooooh....what are you doin' with those little girl....?' it was borderline creepy how into her beets I was.  Beet and Orange Salad.

I got home and immediately forgot how to make Rhiannon's Beet and Orange Salad.  Obviously, I sent a text message requesting the recipe because really, who picks up the phone anymore?!  Of course, in typical Megan fashion I was trying to make this salad very quickly while on my way out the door.  I was trying to take it over to a friends house....proper prior planning?  Riiiiggght.

Long story short.  I didn't have ANY of the ingredients.  If she said Red Wine Vinegar I just threw in Apple Cider Vinegar.  If she said Olive Oil I used Coconut Oil.  If she said Dijon Mustard I used Whole Grain Mustard (I think this counts a Dijon too but, it wasn't the smooth kind....).  You get the picture.  Needless to say, it wasn't FABULOUS.  But, I took it anyway.

They liked it!  Hahahaha!  My friends liked it!  They even asked me for the recipe!  Here's what I think is funny:  I totally wrote down Rhiannon's recipe and then said, 'ummm....thats what it was supposed to taste like....'!  That's funny, right?!

Hey, side note (also known as an overshare):  When I sent Rhiannon a note a few days later telling her I had something funny to tell her she was all, 'OMG!  Did your pee turn bright red?!  Did you think you had to go to the emergency room?!'.  To which I responded 'nooooo....I mean pee turns bright red...but that's not what I was gonna say!'.

Did you guys know that only 10-14% of the world's population experiences red pee?!  It's a genetic phenomenon known as beeturia.  No lie!  What's more is that red pee might indicate an iron deficiency.  We can thank this article for that bit of info.

I decided yesterday to take the beet salad to a new level.  I roasted it.  I simply put beets and oranges (and coconut oil....because I don't do much in my life without coconut oil...but thats another post) in a roasting dish and roasted away.  Yum-o.

There you go.  A funny(ish) story, a science lesson, and some cooking advice (roast those beets!).


A funk.

Do you ever find yourself in a funk? I've been in a funk for the past two days. I'm lethargic and negative. I've been on the couch.

Last night I told the ladies I live with that I felt disgusting and bummed. One of them said that maybe it was because I needed to get off the couch. The other one made me a cup of mint tea.


The more I thought about it the more interesting it became. As adults it seems that we all have 'funk remedies' because even if you are normally a chipper person everyone has experienced a funk. Some people power through it and some people allow themselves to just be funky.

This morning I woke up funk free. I'm feeling positive and up beat. I'm off the couch and in the yard doing art projects in the sunshine.


What are your funk remedies?

The fresher the new mission!

I'm on a mission. Healthy eating and more exercise. It all goes back to my decision that in 2012 I'd CHOOSE. I haven't been choosing well lately. The last thing I want is to turn this blog into a diary about what I'm eating and how I'm lacking motivation to exercise.

The thing is, I think a lot of us struggle to make healthy choices in the midst of hectic lives. I also think that we love finding inspiration in random places.

SO! I'll be posting photos and tidbits regarding my campaign for more healthful living on my Facebook page. Stop by sometime and check it out (also, feel free to leave some advice)!