30x30 :: Make a Pot Roast - CHECK!

My lovely friend Lauren invited me over to make a Pot Roast!  Which means I officially have ONE thing crossed off the 30x30 list!  Wasn't that sweet of her?!  She had it all set up - kind of like you would get ready to color with a 3 year old - the coloring book was there, the crayons were in their pail nearby, and the felt tip pens were kept far out of reach.  I mean that in the best way possible!  She broke it down so that it felt really easy - which made the end results all the more gratifying!  I left her house thinking, 'I need a crock pot'!  While I realize that a crock pot roast isn't traditional I highly recommend giving it a shot!  I'm not going to give you the step by step breakdown of how we ended up with such a delicious meal....mostly because I think most of you Nautie Readers already know how to cook a Roast! Here are some photos for your enjoyment!  (Just looking at these photos again makes me want to start scouring rummage sales and thrift shops for a crock pot to call my own!)

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