Azores :: Blue and White
I've always had a 'thing' for blue and white. I think it's because so many of my childhood memories include blue and white. I grew up with a blue and white kitchen - specifically blue willow dishes and cobalt blue glasses (that my Mom and I purchased in Mexico and packed home...stuffed in baskets...and then into our luggage). When my Grandma passed away we got some of her things - specifically we got a blue willow plate that had dark brown cracks all through the glaze. My Great-Grandma's house had burned down when she was a young girl. When they were kicking through the rubble that blue willow plate was the only thing they found. I had a total fascination with that plate. My Grandma kept it under her bed all wrapped up. When I would visit her in the summer I would beg her to get the plate out. I would just look at it....I think it brought Little House on the Prairie alive for me. That was a pretty major tangent....anyways, I love blue and white! This church in the Azores really struck my fancy...and I'm guessing it's because of its colors. I walked around the church taking photo after photo. I must have 50 photos of this church alone. I saved this series for last because they were my favorites (minus the one I labeled my favorite of course). A last goodbye to the Azores...until we meet again!