Happy Earth Day!

I honestly didn't remember that today was Earth Day until I started checking in with all my favorite blogs.  I've also never really done anything for the Earth on Earth Day. One year I went to a concert at the Mo'oheau Bandstand that was in celebration of Bob Marley's Birthday and Earth Day combined.  I found a flyer taped to a post that I ripped down and took with me.  In fact I've saved it forever....I took it to college with me...then I took it back home....and now I have it in my closet on my inspirational corkboard.  It says:

"I pledge allegiance to the earth, and all the life which it supports.  One planet in our care, irreplaceable, with sustenance and respect."

I've always loved this quote...and I can't tell you how much this battered piece of paper has meant to me over the years!

The Web was full of Earth Day link love.....

If you'd like a brief history of Earth Day Wikipedia provides a great one HERE.

Cool sustainability facts.

Shutter Sisters rocked today.  I loved their links....talk about a perfect Earth Day photo!

Poppytalk shared some Earthy links and ideas.

Did you run into any Earth Day gems today?