Nautie Randomness Bali Edition
These things used to have Roman numerals but honestly, I didn't know what came next so now they get names. I kinda like it better like this anyways. This is the Bali Edition - things I meant to tell you before I left for Bali - things I meant to tell you when I got to Bali - things I just want to tell you!
Balinese Man working in the rice paddies in early this morning.
Can someone who reads this blog on a comupter tell me if the above photo (and well, the photos below) are gigantic? I've been having minor difficulties resizing the photos on my iPad and because Squarespace is right ontop of optimizing posts on mobile devices I can't tell if that photo a) takes forever to load and b) is distorted due to being very, very large! It's also possible that the flipside is true - are these photos small? I realize that this makes no sense but the bottom line is: Do the photos look okay on your viewing platform?!
Morning light in my little yard.
I haven't ventured too far from my nest since I've been here. There are a couple reasons why but, one major reason is that I was really behind on 'life'. There were so many long overdue emails to write / reply to. Organizing data. Organizing my schedule. I didn't quite realize how much I had been going, going, going. Being here, typing on my iPad, looking out the window, journaling and taking photos has been just what the doctor ordered.
Rice Paddies, A Camera, A Coffee. Bliss.
So far, my morning routine has consisted of waking up really early, finding a mug of something warm, grabbing my camera and strolling along the edges of the rice paddies. This morning the ravine on the Eastern edge of the ridge was full of mist and thanks to a light rain through the night things were extra dewy.
Rice Paddy and Morning Light.
Just so I don't leave you confused, I wrote some blog posts and set them up as 'scheduled posts'. I was worried that I wouldn't have enough time to blog on the road and figured thought I'd share some of the photos I took while I was at sea last to keep you company in case of my absence. I hope this doesn't throw anyone for too much of a loop!
Here's something random for you. When I was driving from the airport to Ubud I saw a really, really big lizard cross the road. Big as in, if we hit it we would have felt it. When my hosts were showing me through my house I asked them if I should keep the doors closed sometimes. I mean, I'm down with geckos but that thing was bigger than a rat! My hosts say, 'nah, you should be okay, we only had a snake in the house once!'. *Gulp* I might be at one with the tropics but....we don't have snakes in Hawaii! Then he says, 'that's why the houses are tiled - snakes can't slither on tile!'. What?! Good to know?! Whew?! Snakes?!
Thanks for tagging along with me!