Sausage Fest

Holy Smokes!  I have got to tell you guys something that really made me laugh out loud while I was sitting alone in front of the computer. A little background....I'm going back to New England for I've been looking for apartments.  I was offered a room in a house that is owned by some Maine Maritime Academy (MMA) Alumni.  Basically everyone who lives in the house ships out - and they all went to MMA.  I'm going to be staying there for a little while but I didn't take a permanent room....

I just responded to an add for a room in a house on Craigslist - it's a little bit more 'alternative' - a little 'crunchier' if you will.  The location is great and the price is right.  So I've been e-mailing my Mom about it.

Here's a snippet of our conversations....actually, they are short and sweet so these are the whole e-mails:


Me to Mom:

I responded to this one....Because the location was BOMB!!!!!  Plus, the price was RIGHT!!!!!

I don't know if you can google map....but if you map it (there should be a google map link at the bottom of the page)  When you do you can go to street view - check out how close it is to the water!!!!!!!

Mom to Me:

WOW!!!  This sounds quite perfect ...  a real come and go kind of place ...  sounds interesting too ...  not isolated.  Did you get a response back yet?  By the way, what happened to the house that you were going to share with your friends inPortland...  did that fall through?

Me to Mom:

Well, I kind of hedged on the one in Portland with friends....just because I knew it was going to be a sausage fest....and I really wasn't into living in a post mma frat house....ya know?!

I haven't gotten a response friends think I'm nutso for taking it without meeting them first....we'll see, for all I know it's already taken!

Mom to Me:

sausage fest?

Me to Mom: in house full of boys.....

Mom to Me:

thank you