Packing Light
When I headed out on this trip I knew I had to pack light. My room was going to be tiny. I might be flying to remote locations. I also just wanted to see if I could rise to the challenge. For the past three years I've been able to join my ships at the dock - which means I can pack heavy and then hump that stuff up the gangway. That method was absolutely not going to work this time.
Kind of a joke....Sadly true...
I've always treated my luggage like home away from home. How can I ensure I have a delicious coffee? Pack an orange zester. How can I make sure I get a good nights sleep? Pack flannel sheets + duvet cover. How can I stay mentally active? Bring an iPad, Kindle, Laptop, iPod + portable speaker...and all required cables and chargers.
This time out I was cutthroat. I made lists and slashed, slashed, slashed.
Then I headed to work with a precise list of what exactly was packed.
Now that week two is almost complete I have a modified list of what I've used, what I've worn and what I miss. I have to be honest and say the 'what I miss' list has surprised me.
The good news is packing light wa a good idea because my room is tiny and I might end up having to bunk up with someone.
What's up with the umbrella? No clue.
My room is so small that my bunk actually folds down from the bulkhead!
In the meantime I'm off to revise my packing lists!
What are the things you love to pack to bring a little home with you?