Very Brief Update
Nautie Friends! Here's a super duper brief update (mostly because I MISS YOU)!
I'm busy. Which is good. I'm learning. Which is great. I'm challenged. Which is stimulating. I'm physically exhausted. Which is (probably) incredibly awesome.
I have so many things running through my head at any given point in the day that I literally have to carry around a day planner. I have LISTS. I have a list for everything. Things to order, things to fix, things to delegate, things to remember to think about later. Seriously. I have a list of things to think about later.
I knew that being a Chief Mate would be a big change andI knew that the learning curve would be steep (I also knew it would be especially steep since I'm dealing with a brand new type of cargo). What I didn't know is how I would handle the challenge and work load.
I'm basically just barely keeping my head above water. Which at this point seems to be enough.
We're currently in the Gulf of Mexico underway for a few East Coast ports before crossing the pond and heading towards some deserty climes.
I've been taking photos of sunrises and sunsets and hope (and am crossing my fingers) that I can post them soon!