*socks and undies* a human interest piece...
I got the call to come back to work a little earlier than I expected. It was a mad rush to get packed up and finish my errands. I have certain ammenities that I won't compromise on. What I would do if I ran out of Tom's of Maine toothpaste?! My shipmates tease me profusely for having such heavy luggage but, I bet their rooms don't have twinkly lights! Who do they come to when they want dryer sheets or shout? I might also be the only person onboard who has a swifter sweeper. When I'm getting ready to come back to work I have tons of little lists full of trivial items that I convince myself are show stoppers. Packing for this last rotation was one of my all time favorite 'packing nights'. One of my long lost Hilo girlfriends jumped in and saved the day! She went and got take out Thai food and she vetted every item before I put it in my suitcase. I actually had fun! I don't think I've ever referred to a packing night as fun. When she got to my bags of socks and undies she looked at me and said, 'really, Megan?! really?' Usually, at some point, I have to take things out of my bags but, on the socks and undies I held fast....I don't like laundry! Running out of socks is terrible (not to mention undies)! When I throw in a load of laundry out here I have to make sure that I am 100% available. I have to be there at the exact time the wash cycle ends so that I can transfer over my load. Then I have to be there at the exact time the dryer cycle ends (if not early in case some eager beaver thinks my clothes are dry enough). If I'm not there to personally transfer the load of laundry then I can't be certain someones grubby paws haven't touched my socks and undies. I habitually majorly overpack in the sock and undie department.
Sitting at breakfast this morning some of my shipmates were bemoaning the fact that because the water is still out in the laundry rooms they were running out of socks and boxers (I don't think they'd appreciate me calling them undies). I had to sit back and smirk...my bags are too heavy, huh?! Heh heh heh. My sock and undie bags are still half full (literally)!