Pure Neglect.

This sweet blog of mine is suffering from Pure Neglect. Between port calls, paperwork, ballast tank inspections, lifeboat releasing and, rescue boat maneuvering I have had zero down time.  I'd love to say I'm sorry but you're just gonna have to deal :)

I miss you more than I can say and will play catch up as soon as possible!

If only I could wake up tomorrow morning and drive down to the beach with my coffee and some fresh fruit....

If I could wake up and do this tomorrow life would be AMAZING.

Things In Mason Jars :: Basil & Lime Chia Fresca

Basil / Lime Chia Fresca

I'm starting a new series and I'm calling it:  Things In Mason Jars.

Mostly because I think things look prettier when they're in a mason jar but also because, I'm always looking for things that I can do when I'm at home and when I'm at sea.

I started incorporating Chia Seeds into my daily life during my last rotation at sea.  The Second Mate had them and I decided I wanted them too.

I'm not sure if it's 100% psychological but I swear when I ingest them...no matter how they're ingested I feel like a more powerful creature soon after.  Did you like that?  Powerful Creature.  I like that.

I mostly drink them.  I put a squirt of lime juice and a spoonful of Chia Seeds in water and sip away.  This is called a Chia Fresca.

Now, when you have a Basil plant aboard (that you feel incredibly grateful for and are just so, so happy that it's thriving) you can really get creative.

Chia Fresca meet torn and crushed Basil leaves.



Suck Up and Be Nice

Nautie Friends, it's been a doozy of a few days.   This is a story about:  A hard port stay, an iPhone in the water, and the Suez Canal.

We departed a port that shall not be named...I know, that makes you feel like I'm keeping secrets...and I am....sorta.

What I will say about said port stay is that it was a lot of work.  The crew did the majority of the rigging and they also did the majority of the 'difficult' lifts.  This meant that after three days we were tired.

Every night, they made us shift to a different berth at midnight.  Do you know what you don't want to do at midnight?  Shift to a new berth.

During one of the shifts I dropped my iPhone in the water.  I'm sure this seems like no big deal.  Except, I'm addicted to my iPhone.  I am now without a means of taking pictures on a whim while on deck and I am also without an alarm clock.  This is a big deal.  I also don't want to talk about how I had just activated my very pricey international data package.

Once the hard port stay drew to an end and after I cried about my phone (I didn't really cry but I could of if I had had the time) it was a ten hour transit to the Suez Canal.

Throughout the last week I've had an Ani DiFranco song lyric stuck in my head.  It has gotten me through the days.  It helped me modulate my tone of voice on the radio when I'm really cranky but know the other person doesn't deserve crankiness.  It helped me remember that everyone is tired.  It helped me remember that it might suck but it will suck more if people stop being nice.

'Maybe you don't like your job, maybe you didn't get enough sleep, well nobody likes their job, nobody got enough sleep.  Maybe you just had the worst day of your life, but you know, there's no escape, there's no excuse, so just suck up and be nice.'

I was so nice in the Suez Canal it isn't even funny.

Thank Goodness at some point I decided to sit down and write all about how crazy the Suez Canal is.  Thank Goodness I've also written about how it sucks going from a port really close to the Canal straight into the canal.  (Also, just fyi the previous link is missing some photos...I don't know where they went...my bad...)  Because seriously, the last thing I feel like doing when I get out of the ditch is write about it.  

I wanted to pretend like the last few days didn't even happen and just provide you with some old posts to read!  But then I decided to suck it up and be nice....so I provided you with some old posts to read and some new photos!

A Suez Canal View

A mini gallery for your viewing pleasure:

[nggallery id=34]

Mettle Maker + Link Love = About Freakin' Time

This sweet little blog has been without a Mettle Maker or some Internet Lovin' for too long....way, WAY too long...

First, let's make some Mettle...



P!nk Lyrics.  I'm in.  (Plus, it keeps with my whole, I'M ON FIRE! theme...)

Now let's snuggle with the world wide web...

Yes!  I believe this!  When something doesn't feel right....stop.

I really wanted to take some early morning advice from Amy this trip.  So far, I've been waking up 10 minutes before I need to be on the bridge.  Fail.

Anyone who has lived in New England for any amount of time has had an encounter with a Mass-Hole that has stuck with them.  If you know and love any Mass-Holes you might think  this is hilarious.

I'm still working on my 2013 intentions.  I know!  I have them all set and then I make changes.  Elise compares Goals and To Do's.  Good Read!

Just a cool image.  That's all.

A VERY belated tribute to Senator Inouye.  Merchant Marines will miss your staunch support of the Jones Act.

Bathroom Basket round up.  Nuff Said.

Stephen King has written a book on Gun Control.  Haven't read it but I imagine it's good.

This is a perfect example of wonderful things.  Actually, I don't know what this is an example of....but I want a coat just like it!

I don't know how I'd feel about living in a container (do a trip on a container ship and let me know if you'd live in one...) but, I might be okay with living in this one.

I love me a good travel blog - here's a kick ass roundup of some of the best.

I've actually been thinking about this meal (and kinda craving it) and I've never had it.  Seriously, I think about it.  It was posted after I joined the ship so, sadly It'll have to wait until April to be made...

Those links should keep you busy for awhile.  Enjoy!


Nautie Friends, I'm about to teach you something incredibly important. If you're going to survive in this world you need to learn how to scold thugs.

It doesn't matter where you are in the world - dock workers are a rough crowd. They're a breed of their own. The Foreman is usually sharp but, he'll spend the majority if his time keeping his less sharp workers in line. It's like corralling kittens.

The problem isn't that they aren't sharp. The problem is that they aren't sharp and I'm a little scared of them. They tend to be a little on the belligerent side.

When I was a cadet I was on a container ship in Oakland. One of the longshoreman cussed me out because I told him he wasn't allowed to drink his beer and leave the cans on our deck...I mean really! I promptly told the Captain of my encounter. He got a very serious look on his face, looked me in the eye and said, 'Megan, longshoreman are a sub species of the human race'. (I apologize if I've already told that story but, it's one of my faves.)

Well, allow me to teach you all how to scold thugs like a pro. It took me eight years of shipping and a few months of sailing as Chief Mate to learn this - I'm about to save you all some time.

First, put your hand out in front of you - raise your pointer finger - wiggle it back in forth and then say: A-ah-ah.

The rate of your finger wiggle effectively conveys your anger level. The slower your wiggle the more pissed off you are.

Sometimes my A-ah-ah is loud. This is more of an alert - meaning, anger is imminent.

No sound accompanying the wiggle paired with stink eye means you're so closed to getting kicked off my deck it's not even funny.

I can almost guarantee you that they will stop what they're doing and look at you with a face full of shame.

The beauty of the 'a-ah-ah' is that it works anywhere in the world. I mean anywhere...djiboutians are well versed in the 'a-ah-ah'.

It also works with anyone. The 'a-ah-ah' is not limited to longshoreman. Cabbies trying to take you for a ride. Vendors up in your grill at the pyramids.

Anyone. Anywhere.

We can thank Mothers everywhere for providing this universal dirtbag scolding tool. I mean, I always knew my Mom was pissed if the finger came out.
