Life Lately.

I'm in 'get my butt to work' mode.  I've been hitting the union hall everyday and trying to keep my spirits up in between job calls.  The truth is that I'm in a pretty good position and, that I've been having a lot of fun in California.

Here are some snapshots of life lately! 

Bolinas Fish Eye

I got out my fish eye lens adaptor for iPhone and had a blast taking photos at Bolinas Beach.  We got there early, it was low tide with lots of exposed beach and, the persistent coastal fog was just a misty sheen.  It was such a fun day.

Friends Feet

Two of my really good girlfriends from High School were in the Bay Area at the same time.  It felt like Christmas.  It was so great to hang with these Ladies.  Sometimes you forget how much you love people!  We ate cheese, drank wine, had lunch, walked around the lake.  It was a total treat.

Track Shadow

I've been making a really big effort to get outside and walk or jog.  This is always the part of my life that gives a little when I'm feeling a little stress.  I've been relying on my FitBit to give me a motivational boost....I've also been relying on my Cousin Bunny.  She messages me every morning asking me what my workout plan is for the day....and she follows up to make sure I've done it.  Moral Support is amazingly powerful.  *Thanks Bunny!

Union Board

This is my view at the Union Hall.  This is technically the job board for the Engineers (I have to admit that the board for the Deckies isn't as nice...).  Somehow this big white board makes the whole thing feel a little more official.  The Union celebrated 'Bloody Thursday' this week - I had to look this up and have to admit its an interesting part of Maritime History.  It's certainly shaped West Coast Ports and majorly affected the Nation's economy.  


Come on guys.  Of course I was going to post a picture of a coffee mug.  I've been loving this strawberry table cloth - so at the Alameda Flea Market on Sunday I found a vintage one just like it.  I can't wait to have a little table on my porch with a strawberry table cloth on it.  For the record, the Flea Market might be my most favorite thing ever.  I got soooo many treasures over the weekend! 


I hope that Life has been for you Lately too!