Currently. Southbound.
Sunset in Kotzebue about 1am....
Ice Free. We've been out of the ice for a few days....I've just been avoiding telling you that I could keep posting photos of the ice! Sneaky? Nah...
Headed South. This is exciting because it means we're moving in the right direction to get home.
Excited to see my house. I made a tactical error this time around - I visited family before looking for work. I'm going to try to never do that again and instead visit friends and family after being at work. I feel like I've been away from home forever.
Worried I'll run out of podcasts. I'm listening to a lot of podcasts I have 'squirreled away' (i.e. downloaded ahead of time and saved for sea) and I don't know if I have enough to see me through the trip! For a podcast addict, this is a borderline emergency. I've actually started 'rationing' them.
Trying to listen to an audio book. Does anyone else immediately tune them out? I'm really giving it my best effort...especially since I'm rationing podcasts. About two minutes in though, I realize I haven't been paying attention. Thoughts?
Reading a good book. I'm not gonna drop the name yet. Is that weak? I want to give it some blog justice...I'll keep it close to my chest for a bit more. In the meantime, go find yourselves a good book! It's almost fall!
Trying my best to 'up' my blogging game. I'm sure you noticed I fell off the band wagon for a bit. I have many things to say about this. I'm thinking about how to move the blog forward. We'll talk more about this later I'm sure. Bottom line...I missed you guys!
What are you currently up to?