Currently. Southbound.

Sunset in Kotzebue about 1am....

Sunset in Kotzebue about 1am....



Ice Free.  We've been out of the ice for a few days....I've just been avoiding telling you that I could keep posting photos of the ice!  Sneaky?  Nah...

Headed South.  This is exciting because it means we're moving in the right direction to get home.

Excited to see my house.  I made a tactical error this time around - I visited family before looking for work.  I'm going to try to never do that again and instead visit friends and family after being at work.  I feel like I've been away from home forever.  

Worried I'll run out of podcasts.  I'm listening to a lot of podcasts I have 'squirreled away' (i.e. downloaded ahead of time and saved for sea) and I don't know if I have enough to see me through the trip!  For a podcast addict, this is a borderline emergency.  I've actually started 'rationing' them.

Trying to listen to an audio book.  Does anyone else immediately tune them out?  I'm really giving it my best effort...especially since I'm rationing podcasts.  About two minutes in though, I realize I haven't been paying attention.  Thoughts?

Reading a good book.  I'm not gonna drop the name yet.  Is that weak?  I want to give it some blog justice...I'll keep it close to my chest for a bit more.  In the meantime, go find yourselves a good book!  It's almost fall!

Trying my best to 'up' my blogging game.  I'm sure you noticed I fell off the band wagon for a bit.  I have many things to say about this.  I'm thinking about how to move the blog forward.  We'll talk more about this later I'm sure.  Bottom line...I missed you guys!  

What are you currently up to?

Life Lately.

I'm in 'get my butt to work' mode.  I've been hitting the union hall everyday and trying to keep my spirits up in between job calls.  The truth is that I'm in a pretty good position and, that I've been having a lot of fun in California.

Here are some snapshots of life lately! 

Bolinas Fish Eye

I got out my fish eye lens adaptor for iPhone and had a blast taking photos at Bolinas Beach.  We got there early, it was low tide with lots of exposed beach and, the persistent coastal fog was just a misty sheen.  It was such a fun day.

Friends Feet

Two of my really good girlfriends from High School were in the Bay Area at the same time.  It felt like Christmas.  It was so great to hang with these Ladies.  Sometimes you forget how much you love people!  We ate cheese, drank wine, had lunch, walked around the lake.  It was a total treat.

Track Shadow

I've been making a really big effort to get outside and walk or jog.  This is always the part of my life that gives a little when I'm feeling a little stress.  I've been relying on my FitBit to give me a motivational boost....I've also been relying on my Cousin Bunny.  She messages me every morning asking me what my workout plan is for the day....and she follows up to make sure I've done it.  Moral Support is amazingly powerful.  *Thanks Bunny!

Union Board

This is my view at the Union Hall.  This is technically the job board for the Engineers (I have to admit that the board for the Deckies isn't as nice...).  Somehow this big white board makes the whole thing feel a little more official.  The Union celebrated 'Bloody Thursday' this week - I had to look this up and have to admit its an interesting part of Maritime History.  It's certainly shaped West Coast Ports and majorly affected the Nation's economy.  


Come on guys.  Of course I was going to post a picture of a coffee mug.  I've been loving this strawberry table cloth - so at the Alameda Flea Market on Sunday I found a vintage one just like it.  I can't wait to have a little table on my porch with a strawberry table cloth on it.  For the record, the Flea Market might be my most favorite thing ever.  I got soooo many treasures over the weekend! 


I hope that Life has been for you Lately too!


This photo doesn't have anything to do with I'm currently doing but, I loved it.  This was taken on my last inbound transit.  Seriously folks, nothing beats going under the Golden Gate.

This photo doesn't have anything to do with I'm currently doing but, I loved it.  This was taken on my last inbound transit.  Seriously folks, nothing beats going under the Golden Gate.

Consolidating and sorting my clothes.  I now have the beginnings of a functioning capsule wardrobe.  I have to admit I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.  As it turns out my favorite items of clothing are all grey, white and navy blue.  Weird.

Reading Yes Please by Amy Poehler.  I'd heartily recommend this one.  (Typing that here makes me really miss Nautie Books!) 

Working on my day planner.  I had this grand plan that I was going to make a planner that also functioned as a memory keeper.  I had no idea how much work this would entail but, the bottom line is that I'm on to something cool.

Listening to any podcast I can get my hands on.  Send those recommendations my way, Friends!  This week I really enjoyed This American Life's Burroughs 101.  (Note:  this podcast would not be safe for work)  If you're like me, then you really don't know anything about William Burroughs but constantly see his work referenced.  This episode was a crazy glimpse into his life and was incredibly well narrated by Iggy Pop.

Packing my sea bags.  I'm getting ready for my next departure.  I got some new polo shirts and I was a little surprised by how excited I was!

Watching Ellen. I was over the moon to see Vidal and Mrs. Lopez with the creator of HONY.  You can check out their indigogo fundraiser here (they've raised about 1.2 million since January 22nd - the world truly is an amazing place) read more about these amazing humans here.  

Feeling like a responsible mother.  I sent Big Bertha to the camera store to get a proper cleaning!  She's been such a trooper that I figure I should reward all her hard work and you know...actually take care of her.    


What are you all currently up to?