
Hello Friends!  I'm just going to run through a couple of things here because, you're my buddies and I like to keep you posted.

Taking care of business.

I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.  I've been handling some 'technical aspects' of the blog solo while simultaneously feeling like a fish out of water.

Here's a bit of Nautie Mermate History.  I started this blog in 2010.  It was a self hosted Wordpress site.  My friend Lauren designed it for me and, it was seriously cute.  But, there were drawbacks, namely, I didn't know how to do things myself.  This wouldn't have necessarily be an issue but, I don't have a budget for Nautie Mermate.  This is a passion project.  

I transferred my blog from Wordpress over to Square Space.  I like Square Space a lot.  Like a lot, a lot.  I like it for so many reasons but, the biggest reason is I get tech help.  I can send a message to someone and they'll actually answer me.  I know, right?  Huge.  Square Space costs money - and Wordpress is free.  The catch is I was spending a fair amount of money with Wordpress because I needed people to help me.  

In the meantime, even though I had transferred over to Square Space, I was archiving my data at Blue Host and I paid for my domain name at Go Daddy.  Too Much!

I have since transferred my domain name over to Hover.  I like Hover!  It's more affordable than Go Daddy and again, they are really helpful.  Plus, they just have that nice start up aesthetic that ever Apple user loves *wink*. 

In a nutshell, I feel more in control of the tech side of things and I also saved myself some money.  Two very good feelings.  

I got the Shingles.

Wop.Wop.  I didn't even know this happened to people my age.  The good news:  it hasn't been a very serious case and it hasn't been very painful.  I'm on the mend now.  I'm not contagious.  

I've been working on a new little series.

I'd like to have a series on the blog called 'Nautical Musings'.  A couple reasons.  People ask me all the time, 'what is it like to be a Sailor?'.  It's not something you can describe.  Like most things in life it's a rolling experience.  There isn't one succinct sentence.  You just have all these experiences and they culminate into something personal.  Unique to you.  I'm going to try to start just telling some stories.  I think that I've always done this but, I haven't made it something that was cohesive.  I'm going to try.

Thanks for listening to my drunken ramblings.

Bridget called me a wonderful nut!  Which kind of warmed my heart because I was on the cusp of taking the post down.  But hey.  Real life.  Kind of cathartic.  Whatevs.  Thanks for taking me as I am.

There you have it!  Happy Aloha Friday!  No music for you today!


This photo doesn't have anything to do with I'm currently doing but, I loved it.  This was taken on my last inbound transit.  Seriously folks, nothing beats going under the Golden Gate.

This photo doesn't have anything to do with I'm currently doing but, I loved it.  This was taken on my last inbound transit.  Seriously folks, nothing beats going under the Golden Gate.

Consolidating and sorting my clothes.  I now have the beginnings of a functioning capsule wardrobe.  I have to admit I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.  As it turns out my favorite items of clothing are all grey, white and navy blue.  Weird.

Reading Yes Please by Amy Poehler.  I'd heartily recommend this one.  (Typing that here makes me really miss Nautie Books!) 

Working on my day planner.  I had this grand plan that I was going to make a planner that also functioned as a memory keeper.  I had no idea how much work this would entail but, the bottom line is that I'm on to something cool.

Listening to any podcast I can get my hands on.  Send those recommendations my way, Friends!  This week I really enjoyed This American Life's Burroughs 101.  (Note:  this podcast would not be safe for work)  If you're like me, then you really don't know anything about William Burroughs but constantly see his work referenced.  This episode was a crazy glimpse into his life and was incredibly well narrated by Iggy Pop.

Packing my sea bags.  I'm getting ready for my next departure.  I got some new polo shirts and I was a little surprised by how excited I was!

Watching Ellen. I was over the moon to see Vidal and Mrs. Lopez with the creator of HONY.  You can check out their indigogo fundraiser here (they've raised about 1.2 million since January 22nd - the world truly is an amazing place) read more about these amazing humans here.  

Feeling like a responsible mother.  I sent Big Bertha to the camera store to get a proper cleaning!  She's been such a trooper that I figure I should reward all her hard work and you know...actually take care of her.    


What are you all currently up to?


Nautie Randomness VII


I've been working on getting my ship together (see what I did there?).  I've been writing thank you notes, running errands, reorganizing my car and suitcases, laying on the couch watching so you think you can dance, making kale smoothies, trying to eliminate milk from my coffee, organizing photos, working on future blog posts (hello slacker-ville) and text messaging friends and family of future sightings.  Whew.  I'm exhausted and maybe a little hungry.  

Other randomness, you ask?

My auntie has three chihuahuas and they're hilarious.  They make funny faces and run around the yard.  They've definitely been providing some comedic relief.

California needs some water.  It's dry.  My lips and elbows are chapped.  Let's hope for some rain and in the meantime I'll have another glass of water.

Don't ever go into a bead store if you don't actually need beads.  I spent a crap ton of money on beads...and now I'm looking at them thinking when the heck am I going to have time to bead?!

I took a roll and tone class yesterday at a yoga studio.  Have you ever heard of such a thing?  There was a big foam (like hard foam) roller and we rolled our bodies all over it for kind of a full body massage meets core work out.  It was maybe a little harder than I expected.  Who knew it was gonna hurt like a bitch when I rolled my buns over a foam roller?!

The photo I put up there is a cactus that we saw near Joshua Tree National Park....I'm gonna make it part of a series that I'm kinda looking forward too.

I'm really hoping that this little post here resets my creative juices and gets me back on the blogging band wagon!  Come ooooon creative juices!

Nautie Randomness III

I don't have too many random things to say. That's pretty random. 

​It was an incredibly foggy trip from Alaska to Asia. I've said it before I'll say it again. Fog makes people crazy. 


​I haven't taken Big Bertha out at all this trip. What's wrong with me?!  I miss that old girl. I gotta get back in my groove!

When we were up in Alaska the Captain and some of the crew caught tons of fish!  We had fresh fish tacos and ceviche for dinner - yum!​


I am getting kinda into weather. I've been having fun printing out the weather maps and putting them up on the board to get a good feel for what's to come. Pretty much what came this trip was fog, rolling and then lots of wind. I'm looking for sunshine!


That's about it for this random post....where's the action?!  Where's the excitement?!  Oh're not the only one wondering this!  I've got some bold moves coming I'm saving up some energy...I'll keep you posted Nautie Friends!

Nautie Randomness II

Well, I'm not doing the best at keeping up with the fact I've never in the history of the blog done worse than I'm doing now! I'm introducing Nautie Randomness to help out. Token bits that stack up in my brain. It seems like a good plan. Onward!

Eagles. Sometimes I wonder if the scientists who declared eagles endangered have ever been to Alaska. They're kinda like seagulls in San Francisco....abundant. Furthermore, I used to think that eagles were beautiful majestic birds...rare....the perfect symbol for America. Have you ever seen an eagle up close? They're big, dirty, scrappy, freaky ass birds who look like they wanna eff you up. Noooot the biggest fan. Wanna see four eagles sitting on a lamp post? Alaska. Wanna see eagles dive bombing dumpsters? Alaska. Wanna be scared to get out of a cab cause the eagles are strutting around the parking lot...and are almost as tall as you....and are definitely watching you? Alaska.

Fog. Days and days of fog. I've figured out the quickest way to make people crazy. Put them in fog. Nothing to see but white...for days. Crazy-ville for sure.

Coffee. I've been trying to ween myself off a bit. I'm at almost 6 cups a day. Minimum 4. Sure that's a lot of coffee but know what it's for sure a lot of? Milk. I mean, the milk frother I brought aboard provides little to no incentive to use less milk. Like a little coffee with your milk? Why yes, yes I do.

Back to the eagles. I'd like some statistics on how many people are injured by eagles annually. I find it really hard to believe that no ones lost an eye this year alone...or the tip of an ear...

Tip of an ear. One time my Uncle Rocket got his ear bit by a seagull because he was stealing eggs from the nest. The kids were out on a little island and had to get back to their parents pretty quick....because Rocket was a hemophiliac. Note to self. Don't steal eggs from nests. (Hello I did say randomness...)
