
Hello Friends!  I'm just going to run through a couple of things here because, you're my buddies and I like to keep you posted.

Taking care of business.

I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.  I've been handling some 'technical aspects' of the blog solo while simultaneously feeling like a fish out of water.

Here's a bit of Nautie Mermate History.  I started this blog in 2010.  It was a self hosted Wordpress site.  My friend Lauren designed it for me and, it was seriously cute.  But, there were drawbacks, namely, I didn't know how to do things myself.  This wouldn't have necessarily be an issue but, I don't have a budget for Nautie Mermate.  This is a passion project.  

I transferred my blog from Wordpress over to Square Space.  I like Square Space a lot.  Like a lot, a lot.  I like it for so many reasons but, the biggest reason is I get tech help.  I can send a message to someone and they'll actually answer me.  I know, right?  Huge.  Square Space costs money - and Wordpress is free.  The catch is I was spending a fair amount of money with Wordpress because I needed people to help me.  

In the meantime, even though I had transferred over to Square Space, I was archiving my data at Blue Host and I paid for my domain name at Go Daddy.  Too Much!

I have since transferred my domain name over to Hover.  I like Hover!  It's more affordable than Go Daddy and again, they are really helpful.  Plus, they just have that nice start up aesthetic that ever Apple user loves *wink*. 

In a nutshell, I feel more in control of the tech side of things and I also saved myself some money.  Two very good feelings.  

I got the Shingles.

Wop.Wop.  I didn't even know this happened to people my age.  The good news:  it hasn't been a very serious case and it hasn't been very painful.  I'm on the mend now.  I'm not contagious.  

I've been working on a new little series.

I'd like to have a series on the blog called 'Nautical Musings'.  A couple reasons.  People ask me all the time, 'what is it like to be a Sailor?'.  It's not something you can describe.  Like most things in life it's a rolling experience.  There isn't one succinct sentence.  You just have all these experiences and they culminate into something personal.  Unique to you.  I'm going to try to start just telling some stories.  I think that I've always done this but, I haven't made it something that was cohesive.  I'm going to try.

Thanks for listening to my drunken ramblings.

Bridget called me a wonderful nut!  Which kind of warmed my heart because I was on the cusp of taking the post down.  But hey.  Real life.  Kind of cathartic.  Whatevs.  Thanks for taking me as I am.

There you have it!  Happy Aloha Friday!  No music for you today!