Happy Birthday Sweet Blog.

Nautie Mermate is three today.  Three. A lot has happened in those three years.  I lived in Hawaii, tried out Maine for a bit, and then plopped a squat in Houston.  I've changed ships twice.  From the Persian Gulf, to the Med, to a worldwide tramper.  I made the move from tankers to heavy lifts.  I upgraded my license and dove head first into the waters of Chief Mate-ness.

This blog has become so much.  A sounding board for all my coulda, shoulda, woulda's.  A motivator.  A sweet escape.

Two years ago I celebrated Oct. 19th with friends in Maine - there were cupcakes.  Last year, I have no clue why I didn't celebrate and, this year I find myself at sea.  Eastward bound for the Panama Canal.

Today, life couldn't be sweeter.


I saw an amazing sunrise.


I sipped an orange goodness.


I watered my plants.  


I made a quinoa salad for lunch.

...and seriously, if this blog isn't about sunrises, orange goodness', shipboard gardens and quinoa...well then, I just don't know what it's about...

Nautie Friends, thanks for all your kind words through it all - the pep talks - the mettle making - the whip cracking - the virtual hugs.  I heart you.  Like...I heart you a lot.

I have one small request for you...de-lurk!  Who are you lovely readers?  Where are you from?  What do you do?  What do you enjoy most here in Nautie Mermate Land?

Here's looking forward!


Nautie Notes :: Basil, Coconut Oil and Dolphins.

Basil.  Oranges.  Mango Lassi.  Love. Dear Sweet Little Basil Plant,

I'm so glad you're coming back to life.  I mean, so, SO glad.  I was really worried about you for awhile there.  A little green in this world of blue is lovely.  Hang in there little friend!

Dear Atlantic Ocean,

I thought we were friends.  You seriously did me wrong this crossing.  You were just so rough.  Ugh.  I know its winter and all but.....really?!

Dear Coconut Oil,

You taste sooo yummy in my Oatmeal.  You have changed breakfast for me....like forever. I now wolf down my morning bowl of Oatmeal happily.  *For all you haters silently thinking, 'chick puts oil in her cereal - no wonder she has a ba-donka-donka' you can just hate away*

Dear Dolphins,

Thank you so much for showing up today.  I needed you.  Badly.  Watching you frolic in the bow wake was as magical as usual.  I loved watching you zoom around skimming just under the surface of the water.  I also loved how white your tummies were.  Again, Thank You.

Dear iTunes,

I don't know if I love the new you.  I can hardly keep up with all the changes in your life.  I feel like we're drifting apart.  Spending time with you just leaves me confused.  I'd love to say, 'it's not you...it's me...' but I can't - it's you.

Dear Hilo House,

You'll soon have a person occupying you.  This is exciting!  Treat them well please.  Tell those nasty spiders to keep to themselves....we don't need to scare them away...

Dear Nautie Friends,

I know I've been a little scarce lately.  Get over it.  Kidding....I'm sorry?  In all seriousness my stress levels have been through the roof the past few days.  I'm feeling a little better and I'm ready to get back in the game!  Enjoy your weekend!


Megan the Nautie Mermate

30x30 :: Host A Tea Party

I really wanted to have a Tea Party - and there just didn't seem to be a good time to do it. I decided this one was do or die.  My friends were never all going to be able to come.  The weather was never going to be just perfect.  I was never going to have a Jane Austen worthy garden to sip tea in.

Then I decided if it's my party I can do whatever the eff I want and call it whatever the eff I want.

I hosted a tea party and there was not a single damn drop of tea served.

Now, Mimosa's?  Mimosa's were served.

It ended up being a very small gathering of some of my favorite people.  There was even a baby and a dog.

I had a yougurt bar.  (With homemade yougurt - heeey yo! Mamacholla!) Cheese and crackers of course.  (Served on a silver sailboat platter - woot! Em you da bomb! - tucked between world class art - House Ladies you got some skilllz!)  There was coffee cake and Baked Brie.  Get this, there was even Lobster Quiche!

There was a coffee station - serving orange goodness' of course.  The real attraction?  The Mimosa's.

Fall colored flowers in mason jars made the day feel extra special.

All in all?  I'm calling The Tea Party...a Success!









Photo A Day June

I mentioned on Facebook that I'm participating in Photo A Day brought to us by the always wonderful Fat Mum Slim. The prompt for today was DRINK.

You guys know where I'm going with this right?! ORANGE GOODNESS!!! Bow Chicka Bow Bow.

I've been waiting for this one ALL week.

Since Orange Goodness has majorly been done around here I paired it up with my new favorite 'road drink'. Carrot Juice in a Mason Jar. Oh yah.


Nautie Tidbits :: Quinoa and Boats

I'd love to say I'm sorry for the lack of posts....but.... I've just been having too much fun!

Since I've been 'away' for awhile I figured the best way to get caught up would be to share some photos from my phone....because honestly my iPhone has been my go to girl lately - Big Bertha has been spending too much time at home.


1.  I spent a day on the couch (what?  I'm on vacation!) and I decided that I'd go to my neighborhood variety store for a pizza (now you're jealous).  As I was getting out of the car there was a little girl parking this sweet ride right in front of the shop.  I was instantly jealous and decided that I had to take a picture.

2.  Sampling my homemade toothpaste.  I was thinking of saving this tidbit for a post of its own but alas, time is getting away from me.  Let me just say - it was better than I thought it would be!

3.  Boat shoe wearing in March?  Yes, please!  When I stepped off the plane in Maine (that rhymed....and made be giggle because even in my head as I was typing I was saying, 'the rain in spain'....heehee) it was over 70 degrees out!  I was wearing shorts and slippers!  Sadly, it was incredibly short lived.  I did however; get to ride on a boat in my sassy little Sperry Topsiders with friends who are also sassy Sperry wearers.

4.  Aforementioned boat.  Don't be jealous.

5.  I got my hair cut and colored.  I sat down and said, 'you can do anything you want as long as it all goes up in a pony tail'.  (Anyone who has tried to secure an anchor in the middle of the night with hair that is just slightly too short for a pony knows that they will never, ever have hair too short for a pony again!)  The sylist says, 'I think we need to give you a more mature length'.  To which I responded, 'You mean, you don't think I should have hair that makes me look like a sixth grader who loves horses?'.......and then she cut off six inches.  (I'm still deciding if this should count as my 'something sassy' on my 30x30 list (#8).  I decided I'd wait till I'm home in Hilo to run it past my Mom first.)

6.  I made a Quinoa salad.  With beets, oranges, almond slices and mint topped with honey goat cheese.  I personally thought it was quite yummy.  Please note that next to the dish of quinoa is an orange goodness.  Hells yah.  Funny story about the Quinoa (welll...I guess I'll let you be the judge on the funny factor).  I was having trouble with the ratio of Quinoa to water - I was following the instructions of a recipe that I had found online but was modifying.  My housemate walked in and I decided to ask her opinion.  She was all - just do the same thing you do when you're cooking rice....and then I was all - who the hell knows how to cook rice in a pot?!  Don't you have a rice cooker?!  Seriously folks.  Who doesn't own a rice cooker?!  My Mom doesn't because she thinks cooking in aluminum is terrible.....valid enough reason.  I however; bought trader joes rice in little bags that I can microwave because the thought of cooking rice in a pot makes me cringe.  If you've never used a rice cooker I seriously recommend it.  (I was going to write a whole post about this...aren't you glad I didn't?!)

7.  The yummiest breakfast burrito ever.  I thought it was so yummy that I actually emailed a photo of it to TravelBuddy.

8.  This is my friends dog named Diego.  As far as dogs go I like this one a lot.  This is his little toy named Elmer.  My friend will say, 'Diego, go get Elmer!'.  I can't tell you how funny I thought this was.

9.  Confession:  I'm addicted to Gossip Girl.  I know, right?!  What's wrong with me?!  This show is completely bizarre.  Realizing young women around the world are watching this is frightening.  The thought that some of these young women are too young to discern the show is complete fiction and grossly unrealistic is even more frightening.  That being said, it's Netflix crack - don't ever, ever watch even one episode.

*I realize that this Nautie Tidbit post might be a little long but, dang! it feels great to be sorta caught up!

Sidenote:  Thanks to all of you who 'liked' me on Facebook!  I'm still figuring out how to more fully integrate it with my blog but, in the meantime check in every now and then for random Tidbits!


Orange Goodness :: Shipping Style

I meant to post these yesterday...but then again I had the worst day in my Second Mate history and clearly that took precedence. To truly understand that this is the ghetto version of Orange Goodness please refer back to mermaid mugs, granite counter tops and Martha Stewart cutting boards.  Not to mention french vanilla fat free creamer, stainless containers with heart handled scoops and pearl handled cutco knives.  Oh how I miss having a kitchen when I'm at sea!

A couple weeks ago I got a package from home (thanks Mom)!  I begged my mom to find me an orange peeler.  I meant to pack mine in my ditty bag but it got lost in the packing shuffle.  I got a lovely green handled orange peeler in my box!  Woo hoo!  Back in business!

I'd like to draw your attention to several things that make this a ghetto Orange Goodness:

*Stained coffee mug - stained plastic coffee mug

*Long life milk - icky (but better than powdered)

*Stainless steel industrial coffee pot

That being said, an Orange Goodness is an Orange Goodness is an Orange Goodness.  A lovely addition to any morning!