Have a Nautie Presidents' Day!

I'm technically writing this a day late....the good news is that due to me being on the other side of the world it's still Presidents' Day for some of you! I'm not sure if I've ever celebrated Presidents' Day before - and we most assuredly do not celebrate it aboard, either.  We do however get holiday pay.  (Holiday pay means I get paid twice for the same day.)  That's certainly cause for celebration! 

I've been meaning to share a link with you Nautie Folk for quite some time - I read The Old Salt Blog almost everyday.  Love it.  It has a very wide maritime focus - meaning I read about sailing ships as well as motor vessels trading commercially - and sometimes I even read about sailing ships trading commercially.  It keeps me current and gives me some insight.

Yesterday (or Today) there was a post about George Washington and his fleet of armed schooners that kicked some major ass.  It's a perfect nautie Presidents' Day post.  Enjoy!

*Also, I totally had to google 'Presidents' Day' to punctuate correctly!